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  1. subtotals on delivery

    currently on a delivery receipt when the titcket has subtotals with names the names dont print on the customer receipt. Can we get the names to print with the subtotals.

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    This software was founded around pizza the delivery industy so why would the online address NOT INCLUDE a BUSINESS Field like the pos screen?? Have you ever delivered and read the field says "APT" and its a business.. WTH All that has to be done us use the same field used when you get a phone call... Why is ONLINE Need to know its a BUSINESS and NOT an APARTMENT LESS IMPORTANT? ITS NOT! This should have never made it past ver 1.0!! COSTING OWNERS MONEY paying drivers to be confused.. FIX PLEASE!

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    When you punch in a customers phone number and you finish the area code it jumps to the next 3 digits. The problem is is Wont buffer and you have to type really slow or it EATS the 1st number of the 2nd number field. if you type too fast if will lookup wrong number.

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  4. Auto Discounts to Customers

    Would like to be able to apply auto discounts to customers.

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  5. Reports option for last month, last week, and last year option

    Could you add button under reports for last month, last week, and last year? Would be very helpful.

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  6. integrate pixels

    we need to be able to put social media pixels into tcc. it would save millions of dollars collectively on your customers on social media be integrating social media pixels into the final confirmation page. Facebook, twitter, google,yelp, spottily, Pandora, etc. if it takes more then a day or 2 of programming i would be surprised. or just give us an option for our own landing page where we can put our own html code on there. the social media on tcc is bs.

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  7. I think it would be prety cool to have an override button on the menu.

    For instance, if there is a $4 off coupon and for some reason is not valid on the order, a manger can overide the specifications of the coupon to make it valid even though the computer may not think it is. Another example would be on the menu if there is a item that is not valid in the menu, a manager could override that and make it valid for that order only.

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  8. 5 votes

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  9. Print Multiple tickets for a table/party with one button

    Would like to suggest a way to print multiple receipts for a table. When you click a table, and have 4 or 6 open tickets it pops up a window to show them all, could you possible add a button to Print All? Instead of having to recall all of them, or click each and Reprint from the order screen? Would be a faster way to handle large split tables :)

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  10. being able to go back to order screen without it wiped clean

    it would be nice to be able to search for certain orders and open the ticket then be able to go back to the previous order screen without loosing your search criteria. As of now it seems that once you search for the day or certain days and place the correct tabs to search for orders and click on an order you cannot simply go back to that list of orders. You have to plug in the search criteria for each one....

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    Thanks for the suggestion. With a goal of simplifying user training , we’re trying to keep a consistent way of doing all tendering (instead of having 2 different ways to tender an order) so we have directed the workflow to the normal tender screen. With that said, we’ve gotten feedback that it needs to be easier to initiate a tender change from the driver details screen. So, in our upcoming version 8 release, we’ve added a link from this screen to let you undo the settle and load the ticket to retender. This will be out for beta within a few weeks, I hope it will help improve your workflow.

    In the meantime, you can go to the order screen, click on the order’s total to bring up the Full Review, and undo settle from there.

    Thanks! Duessa & the Thr!ve product team

  12. Allow searching of specific items in orders

    I would like to be able to search for a specific item when recalling or looking for orders.
    i.e.: Employee loses ticket for a lg cheese pizza, i should be able to go to the system and search that item to find which tickets have that item on them and then reprint.

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  13. Online order business name

    Currently online it is only set up for residental customers to put their addess in when ordering. It would be great to have a field box where the address is taken online for people that are ordering for companies to put their actual company name.

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  14. Need the ability for curbside pickup for the mobile app

    Convenience is critical for customers. Many of our customers are Moms and Dads with kids in the car pulling into a busy shopping plaza. If a customer has the ability to place an order online, they should be able to notify us when they are here for pickup so we can walk the order out to them "curbside". Take a look at the mobile apps for places like McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Chick Fila. This is a missing component for Thrive as it can easily be a competitive advantage for you selling your system to new clients. The trend in…

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  15. 5 votes

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  16. Pre-assign delivery drivers

    The ability to pre-assign deliveries to drivers. It's very easy to forget or mishear exactly what deliveries you have on a busy Friday or Saturday night. Also, the ability to simply group deliveries together would help when all drivers are out for delivery. That way, the driver can know exactly what they have just by looking at the delivery screen when they come in.

    In this business, we have time when we have time.

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  17. Integration with Square in driver app for mobile card processing.

    I spoke a few of you at the pizza expo about mobile card processing integration and you were explaining to me the difficulty of finding hardware that would keep the processors happy and be cost effective for the restaurants at the same time. Well why not partner with square? Their card swipers are very inexpensive. They don't require any type of contract to start processing with them, they just take their percentage of fees out of each transaction. If you made it some kind of add on to the driver app, I'm positive there would be lots of delivery restaurants…

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  18. Option for coupon time restriction to apply to Order Placed Time or Payment Time

    I have a need to program a coupon that applys based on what time the customer pays, not when the order is placed. From what i see the time rescriction only looks at when the order is placed. An option on a per coupon basis to choose one or the other would be great. The place i work has a special where the price of a large pizza starts at $6 and goes up $1 every hour. Right now i have to create a coupon for every hour with no time restriction and turn them on and off in sequence…

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  19. 5 votes

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  20. customer accounts

    show the date of the order day

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