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  1. When a printer is down auto send ticket to another printer

    When an assigned printer for a certain station is down make the pos send a ticket to a different station with a comment on top of the ticket that reads "station printer down" and tickets get automatically redirected to a different station

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  2. Allow Option to Not Print "No" Inclusions

    Allow the option to not print the "No" inclusions. This way when you have it set to print inclusions and modifiers to the kitchen, it will only print exactly what comes on an item. So if you're making a sub, it will tell you what to put on it without a bunch of lines that say "No" this or that. I'd like to get to a point where employees have less things to remember to make training much easier. I’d like to have the ability to enable this feature in each department separately.

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  3. Allow Customization of Label Printers

    Allow change of size of Labels, for 1.5inch labels and allow change of orientation, so that when the label prints out, customer info is readable as it feeds out of the printer. Right now it feeds out of printer upside down.

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  4. Have a minimum for emv printing

    We have a lot of wasted paper printing $3-$10 credit slips no one wants.
    Thrive had where you could set not to print under a certain amount, then we switched to emv and no setting.

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  5. Production tickets with the time the ticket is fired and not the time the ticket is originally opened.

    It would be nice to the correct time of when a ticket was fired on a ticket instead of the current method of displaying when the ticket was originally opened. host of the time guests get drinks and have appetizers before deciding on main courses. In this circumstance when an entree is later fired the printed time on the ticket is appears to be vastly longer than it actually has been. Thank you.

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  6. Find a way to have production printers list items in groups to increase efficiency.

    In essense the system would automatically group items found in the same categories together ie. salads burgers sandwhiches dinners instead of in the order in which they were entered. this would allow the cooks to formulate a plan for how to manage big orders. For example our restaurant commonly seats 17 20 or even 25 people all at once. If the server goes around the table taking orders and then enters the items in the order taken then they print in that same order. but you might have 5 burgers 3 salads 5 dinners 4 sandwiches etc.. the cooks then…

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  7. Driver screen actual cash owed

    like a read out that has a positive or negative number

    (order cash + bank) - ( credit card tips + delivery fee) = amount due

    would be easier to know how much cash to drop without going into crazy negative numbers

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  8. Have system sort items by category when printing from production printers.

    I have submitted this suggestion before and was told that this option already exisited but no one's been able to figure out how to ge the system to do what I'm suggesting. So I'm resubmitting in hopes of having it looked at again.

    What I'm suggesting is that the system automatically recognise items belonging in the same category, ie. salads, burgers, dinners, etc, and group them together regardless of the order in which they were entered. This would make it easier for the cooks to see similar items and produce them simultaneously without having to scan longer tickets, ex. a…

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  9. Print a receipt for credit cards if the customer selects no receipt.

    If the customer selects no receipt on the touch screen, the system should still have the ability to print a receipt for the restaurant without having to reprint it.

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  10. Configure the "Delivery Fee' title on the printed receipt

    Allow custom text instead of "Delivery Fee"

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  11. Selective printing of inclusions

    It would be super nifty if we could tell Thrive which inclusions to print instead of the all or nothing per item that is available now. For example, we have a vegan tex mex pizza that has 8 inclusions. We need all of the inclusions in there so the correct buttons are selected on the menu but there is only one inclusion that the kitchen regularly misses or has questions about. An 8 inclusion printed ticket (especially if there's other items on the ticket) can cause readability issues for a busy make table.

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  12. I was wondering if we could make an option for orders to say "Paid" instead of "Not Paid" after you coupon an order out?

    When you coupon out an order it will say Not Paid beacuse there was no cash tendered, although the order is already taken care of. Is there any way for it to say Paid??

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    Hi Nick
    Thanks for the suggestion. Definitely makes sense that you would want that to say Paid. I’ll put it on the list to review – we have plans to do some revamping of printing in the next few months so this would be good to tackle at that time.
    Duessa & Thr!ve product team.

  13. subtotals on delivery

    currently on a delivery receipt when the titcket has subtotals with names the names dont print on the customer receipt. Can we get the names to print with the subtotals.

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  14. When a customer pays with gift card, print the remaining balance on the receipt.

    As of now customers are kind of in the dark in regards to their balance. We have to check the balance for them and tell them verbally. There's no way for us to print the balance.

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  15. "Do Not Make" print on online deferred tickets

    If not looking closely during rush these tickets get taken to the food prep area and then get made or the ticket assembly person is looking for these products to come out of the oven. It causes confusion if a re-make is called.

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    Hi Russell,
    Thank you for your suggestion. We have a few options available to help avoid any confusion in the kitchen when a deferred ticket prints

    First, I assume you are talking about the “additional print time” setting which prints the order prior to it going live and being ready for prep. You can turn this off, or have it print only in the morning of the day of the order, or have these preview prints go to a different printer entirely. (These settings are in Configuration > Order types > Delivery)

    Also, you have some control over what prints on these tickets. For example, you could go to Printer Ticket configuration and turn on the “Deferred Print Time” field, this has a customizable lable so maybe make it say “DO NOT MAKE UNTIL

    Hopefully these will help clear up the confusion, please don’t hesitate to contact support if…


    It would be very helpful if the day of the week was printed along with the date of deffered orders. Each cook doesn't have a calendar with the dates in front of them and it becomes more likely that food can be made on the wrong day.

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Make a sound when a new order is added to an empty KPS screen

    To alert kitchen staff if a new order is placed, make a sound on the KPS screen

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  19. Separate subtotals for food items / bar items on customer receipt

    Ability to print a separate subtotal for the customer by food items / bar items, etc.

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  20. I would like to be able to have credit card slips printed to designated printers for different order types.

    I would like to be able to print credit card slips for deliveries to a designated printer in my kitchen where we stage our product for deliveries and print credit card slips to my receipt printer in front for pick-ups.

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    Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. We do have a feature that enables you to print delivery credit slips “At Dispatch” which would be on the designated dispatch printer. You can choose to print these in addition to at time of order or both. This is what most restaurants do to handle the need of having a credit slip ready to go out with the driver. You’ll find this option in configuration > tax tender cash > credit. Hopefully that will help with your workflow?

    Duessa & Thr!ve Product Team.

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