Need the ability for curbside pickup for the mobile app
Convenience is critical for customers. Many of our customers are Moms and Dads with kids in the car pulling into a busy shopping plaza. If a customer has the ability to place an order online, they should be able to notify us when they are here for pickup so we can walk the order out to them "curbside". Take a look at the mobile apps for places like McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Chick Fila. This is a missing component for Thrive as it can easily be a competitive advantage for you selling your system to new clients. The trend in business if continued convenience as this would be a "plus" for our pizza restaurant. The technology is there and I believe it already might be written in your app since we can already notifiy customers when a driver is being dispatched as it would just need to be reconfigured to be worked the opposite way. We are willing to pilot for you.

Hi John,
Thanks for the suggestion! I can see how that would be useful for restaurants who offer the curbside pick up. Definitely something we can keep in mind for possible future development!
Duessa & the Thr!ve product team