46 results found
Charge delivery fee based off mileage
We should be able to charge a delivery fee based off mileage from the store without having to define via a map. Since the system uses Google Maps to know the delivery zones, it would also know exactly how many miles it is. For example, we should be able to say if address is within 1 mile from the store, the delivery fee is 0.00, if it is 1-2 miles from the store it is $1.00, or 2-3 miles from the store $3.00 etc. Or simply make it something like $x.xx per mile, and mile 1 is $x.xx - also…
41 votes -
Block drivers from adding tip on their phone after customer signs
Please find a way to BLOCK the driver from adding or changing a transaction amount (adding a tip) after the customer has signed on the drive app. The only way a change should be done is through proper management channels on the POS.
26 votesThanks for the suggestion! This sounds like an important security update and definitely is something we’ll consider for a future update of the Dr!ve app!
Duessa & Thr!ve product team. -
Dispatch screen should show the company name
The dispatch screen only shows the individual name on the order. I will not show the company name, or Hotel Name. Change so that the restaurant can change the default of how the orders are shown on the dispatch screen. Since we are only carry Out and Delivery, allowing us to show company names on the dispatch screen would be a huge advantage for us in routing our orders and drivers.
19 votesThank you for the suggestion! This sounds like a beneficial idea and we will definitely keep it in mind as we make improvements to the dispatch screen in the future.
Credit Card Transaction Fees Deduction for Driver Tips
We would like to be able to deduct the credit card transaction fee from the tip portion of the drivers delivery ticket.
(eg. Lets say a driver recieves a $10 tip on a delivery that is paid by Credit card right now when cashing out the driver recieves the whole $10. The average credit card fees for any transaction is right around 3%. We are looking at recoop the 3% when cashing the drivers out on the tip portion of the transaction not the whole ticket. Most states allow this by retail food establishments, almost all bars and sitdown restaurants…17 votesHi Dimitry,
Thanks for your suggestion. We will add it to the wish list for future development consideration!Regards,
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product Team. -
Real time driver tracking for customer....
When a customer orders online, they should receive a link via email to track the driver, much like Uber. It would be even better if it were built in as part of the mobile app, but I believe a link would be sufficient. Not sure if the current setup has these capabilities, but I've seen companies out there that might be able to integrate with Thrive such as 86 Borders. This is the future of delivery and it will be standard very soon.
17 votesHi! Thanks for the suggestion. This is something we have definitely thought about many times, however concerns about privacy and security of drivers have got us questioning the right balance of information to give customers for tracking. We are planning to add a mobile notification at dispatch for starters. Good to know that someone is interested in this!
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product Team. -
14 votes
When closing out driver, no need to enter credit card amounts.
When closing out a driver, it forces us to click on each type of credit card and enter in that we received that amount. It literally tells us what to enter. This is a completely unnecessary step. This should be done automatically and only have us enter in the cash amount we are receiving as this is the only info the system doesn't already know. (same would go for checks or other tender types that may be set up)
12 votes -
Different Delivery Minimums by Zone
For zones that are far away or difficult to get to, I have a higher charge, but I would also like to have a higher delivery minimum for those zones to avoid 1 pizza deliveries that are far away
11 votes -
Get rid of the unnecessary sounds on the driver app.
It is a huge distraction to my drivers that while your app is open it makes a ton of noise... clicking, whistling, and beeping. they all have been closing the app to get rid of the noise while they drive and then having to restart the app when they get where they are going. there should at least be an option to turn the sound off. it interrupts our navigation and music every couple seconds if we dont shut the app down.
10 votes -
Delivery report
It would be nice to have a mapped out report of delivery areas to see where our deliveries are going. This will help maybe eliminate an area that is not getting much action, or we can advertise stronger in those areas. Maybe have pin heads with counts per block, or zones even???
10 votesThanks for your suggestion! This si definitely something we can add to the wish list for future development.
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product team. -
Mobile credit card processing integration
On the drivers app it would be great to use mobile credit card peoccessi g integrated in to the system.
9 votesHi Nick,
Thanks for the suggestion. This is on our roadmap and a feature we plan to add later this year.Thanks
Thr!ve Product Team -
You can't tender a delivery order in store with cash
If a customer comes in the store and pays for a delivery order with cash, the system treats it as an expected payment rather than a tender. We have to write that it is paid for on the driver's ticket, otherwise there is no way for the driver to know it is paid for. We also have to make a drop since it charges the driver for it as well.
9 votesThanks for the comment, this is something we will put on the wish list for the future!
limited infomation to drivers logged on
when a driver logs on he should not be able to see the deliveries in process or how many deliveries the othe drivers have. them having this access creates problems for me
7 votes -
Provide Gate Code Field for Address
When having delivery orders with an address that requires a gate code for access, it would be nice if there was an actual field the hold this information, then have this same field transfer into the DR!VE app. This would provide delivery drivers all of the necessary for the specified delivery
7 votesThanks for the suggestion. Most users will use either the “Comment” or a user defined field for the Gate Code. I can see how it would be useful to make sure this data transfers to the Dr!ve app, that is something we can look into for a future enhancement!
Duessa & Thr!ve product team -
get rid of the military promise time!!!!!
Get rid of the military promise times on dispatch screen.
7 votesGood news, this will be part of our next major release, which will be going into beta in December.
Duessa & Thr!ve Product Team. -
This software was founded around pizza the delivery industy so why would the online address NOT INCLUDE a BUSINESS Field like the pos screen?? Have you ever delivered and read the field says "APT" and its a business.. WTH All that has to be done us use the same field used when you get a phone call... Why is ONLINE Need to know its a BUSINESS and NOT an APARTMENT LESS IMPORTANT? ITS NOT! This should have never made it past ver 1.0!! COSTING OWNERS MONEY paying drivers to be confused.. FIX PLEASE!
6 votes -
5 votesHi,
Thanks for the suggestion. With a goal of simplifying user training , we’re trying to keep a consistent way of doing all tendering (instead of having 2 different ways to tender an order) so we have directed the workflow to the normal tender screen. With that said, we’ve gotten feedback that it needs to be easier to initiate a tender change from the driver details screen. So, in our upcoming version 8 release, we’ve added a link from this screen to let you undo the settle and load the ticket to retender. This will be out for beta within a few weeks, I hope it will help improve your workflow.In the meantime, you can go to the order screen, click on the order’s total to bring up the Full Review, and undo settle from there.
Thanks! Duessa & the Thr!ve product team
Pre-assign delivery drivers
The ability to pre-assign deliveries to drivers. It's very easy to forget or mishear exactly what deliveries you have on a busy Friday or Saturday night. Also, the ability to simply group deliveries together would help when all drivers are out for delivery. That way, the driver can know exactly what they have just by looking at the delivery screen when they come in.
In this business, we have time when we have time.
5 votes -
Integration with Square in driver app for mobile card processing.
I spoke a few of you at the pizza expo about mobile card processing integration and you were explaining to me the difficulty of finding hardware that would keep the processors happy and be cost effective for the restaurants at the same time. Well why not partner with square? Their card swipers are very inexpensive. They don't require any type of contract to start processing with them, they just take their percentage of fees out of each transaction. If you made it some kind of add on to the driver app, I'm positive there would be lots of delivery restaurants…
5 votes -
Allow for there to be a negative cash balance in a driver's account.
It only allows you to make a cash drop for the total amount of cash orders on a drivers account plus bank. It doesn't take into account cash tips they may receive. Because of this, instead of simply being able to make a drop quickly, it forces us to go back and add a tip to one of the cash orders so that the system recognizes there is enough cash to make a drop. A completely unneccessary step.
4 votes
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