When closing out driver, no need to enter credit card amounts.
When closing out a driver, it forces us to click on each type of credit card and enter in that we received that amount. It literally tells us what to enter. This is a completely unnecessary step. This should be done automatically and only have us enter in the cash amount we are receiving as this is the only info the system doesn't already know. (same would go for checks or other tender types that may be set up)

Mondo commented
I'm definitely NOT going to have my managers waste time adding a bunch of credit card receipts together at the end of the night to make sure the totals match. I would be pretty worried if the system couldn't add numbers correctly without making a mistake. The whole point of having a POS system is to save time with tasks exactly like this.
Anonymous commented
I actually like that it makes drivers do a final verification of the total for each tender type. It is telling you the total tender and I think this is the only time this total is easily accessible. This ensures that drivers have all orders in the correct tender, have not forgotten tips, etc. We have our drivers verify these totals and many errors are caught at this stage.
Anonymous commented
I'm fairly confident the idea is that you're supposed to rally your CC receipts and then confirm that they match what the system has.
If it makes you feel better, we dont do this either.