Credit Card Transaction Fees Deduction for Driver Tips
We would like to be able to deduct the credit card transaction fee from the tip portion of the drivers delivery ticket.
(eg. Lets say a driver recieves a $10 tip on a delivery that is paid by Credit card right now when cashing out the driver recieves the whole $10. The average credit card fees for any transaction is right around 3%. We are looking at recoop the 3% when cashing the drivers out on the tip portion of the transaction not the whole ticket. Most states allow this by retail food establishments, almost all bars and sitdown restaurants already have this practice in place for their wait staff and bartenders. It should be the same for delivery drivers.

Hi Dimitry,
Thanks for your suggestion. We will add it to the wish list for future development consideration!
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product Team.
Anonymous commented
This is theft. Shame on you.