Version 8.0 - Legacy
New Features:
Watch a video overview of the new features in Version 8.0!
Thr!ve Rear Customer Display with Tips & Receipt Option:
Enhance your customer's experience with the Thr!ve rear customer display, which will show the order as its rung up, display promotional graphics, and allow customers to sign, add a tip, and request a receipt on an iPad mini attached to your workstation. We've enhanced this feature to include the tip options and receipt choice. Read More.

Thr!ve On Screen Signature Overhaul with Tips, Email and Receipt Option: Not sure if you want a separate display? You can also activate the on screen signature so customers can sign and add a tip right on the same table that your server or cashier uses. Read More.

New Vantiv (WorldPay) "Element" / triPOS EMV Integration:
We have integrated Thr!ve Payments, which is all new credit card processing code, to use the Vantiv Element gateway / triPOS EMV solution. This offers EMV processing for our Vantiv and certain other merchant platforms.
Existing Vantiv merchants who wish to switch to this integration need to obtain new merchant credentials for this platform, and purchase EMV devices or new Element encrypted swipes. Please see our supported credit processors page for current info on which processors are supported.
Some of the features of this integration include:
- EMV integration with the Ingenico IPP320 device. This is an ethernet device.
- This device also supports Google Pay / Apple Pay
- Choose to decline on AVS or CVV mismatch. Configure settings separately for POS and Online orders.
- A new credit batch screen & credit settings screen accessible via "Thr!ve Manager" link.
- Deferred orders will now be pre-authed for $1 at the time of the order, and the card will be tokenized. This ensures a valid card. When the order goes live, it will pre-auth for the order amount. The $1 pre-auth will be voided.
- With this integration only, if "Use credit data in deposit" is on, closing the batch will automatically post a "Midday" deposit for the credit totals. Credit will no longer appear on the End of Day deposit screen. This simplifies the end of day deposit process and better reflects the actual deposits to your bank accounts.
Security Enhancements
- A new Administrative password is now necessary to access certain backend areas such as credit card settings. This is a secure password that meets PCI requirements. Read More
- User login passcodes will now be stored encrypted.
- Added an input validation filter. The system will attempt to detect credit card data added to messages, notes, etc and prevent it from saving. We also are preventing execution of scripts.
- SSL in use on internal network traffic.
Pay Tips function in Options Screen.
- When orders are cashed out at the register and a tip is added, you now have the option to pay those tips out at any time to the server.
- Choose from a list of employees with total tips owed, or from a list of tickets, select one or more to pay.
- This allows you to pay out from any register, it does not have to be the one that the order was closed to.
- Read more about this feature.

Reorder feature (Duplicate Item). Once an item is on the virtual ticket, click the 3 dots on the right to bring up the description pop up, this has a "Duplicate item" button. This makes it easy to reorder complicated items. Read More

Date and time formats are now standardized. Certain date/time displays that were previously in 24 hour time are now standard.
Enhanced Paid Out workflow so that estimated amount is not required. You can now immediately save an actual amount and avoid the reconcile step. Paid in / Out will now default to the register you are on.
Countdown will now update Thr!ve Online, making an item out of stock when countdown goes to 0. Resetting countdown quantity will eliminate the out of stock in Thr!ve Online. Orders submitted from Thr!ve Online will reduce the countdown value. Read More
Added $ to the Revenue Center chart in Server Details (was previously just %)
Settling Online Pickups: For locations that use server banking, "settling" an online pick up order will automatically transfer ownership to the server so they can be part of the server close. This will avoid having online pickups in a "stuck" settled state. (Ticket will still say "online" for the server, but will show up in the server details / close for the server that settled the order)
Added a link to Full Review | Undo Settle from Driver Details to improve efficiency when an order needs to be changed.

Enhanced workflow changing from a Bar Tab to a table. You'll now be prompted to close out or clear the tab before changing, as Table order type does not support tabs.
Order Screen Customer Address - the Order Screen list has an arrow next to the customer name so you can expand the list to show the customer address for delivery orders

Driver Mobile Phone # is now displayed at the top of the driver status screen.

Total # of deliveries pending and in process is now displayed in badges on the bottom icons of the dispatch screen.

Delivery In Process map will now auto refresh every 30 seconds to show updated data without having to reload the screen.
Resolved Defects:
- Resolved issue with changing driver bank amount returning an erroneous message "Invalid Authorization ID"
- Resolved issue with transfer ticket with unsaved items losing the items
- Security: Change driver bank amount manager override
- Resolved issue with voided items print on receipt despite not being set to print
- Resolved issue combining an order with a bar tab
- Resolved issues with Customer Type ID when loyalty customer add
- Resolved issues with split item price calculation rounding issues with odd split #s
- Resolved issues with inventory amounts decreasing at time of order for deferred orders
- Resolved issues with navigation, Server Item Sales report
- Resolved issues with saving Inventory PO a 2nd time.
- Resolved issue with End of Day, Daily Notes, close error
- Resolved issues with coupon: Allowing an item to fulfill requirements on the same coupon multiple times.
- Resolved issue with Employee Confirmed Messages not reporting in Employee > Confirmed Messages.
- Resolved issue with TOL orders not showing on the KPS by item screen.
- Resolved issues with daylight savings time, problems clocking in with certain schedule record situations.
- Removed dispatch record on 100% voided orders to prevent them from remaining in the In Process screen.
- Resolved issues with KPS items getting incorrect bump status on split tickets
- Prevented keyboard entry of tip amount on a post-authed transaction
- Resolved issue with employee tips record getting overwritten if tips are paid out multiple times in the shift.
- Prevent "Reprint" on tickets that are unsaved - will automatically submit the order first.
- Resolved sorting issues with the order date on the orders screen
- Going on break or lunch will automatically log you out.
- Enhanced payment screen to block payments on register stations with no cash locations assigned.
- Resolved issues with KPS split tickets with mixed bump status.
- Resolved issues that cause the Declare Tips screen to not appear at clock out
- Resolved issues with the delivery charge by zone when using an alternate address
- Resolved issues with the Split tender function, when multiple tenders are used within a single split.
- Resolved issues with "Free Delivery" offers set to auto apply when an item is ordered
- Resolved issues with multiple applications of the same coupon, where sometimes the required # of items was not honored if the coupon did not take value off all the items.
- Improved process of Mapping an unsaved customer address in Thr!ve to ensure correct state.
- Resolved issues with new customers entered via caller ID
- Finalized admin password behavior
- Improved performance & receipt printing on rear display signature.
- Resolved issues with adding a driver updating the Dr!ve app.
- Resolved issues with date formatting that prevented certain employees from clocking on at Daylight Savings Time change, related to schedule.
- Resolved issues re-tendering Deferred declined orders
- Resolved issues with Print Driver Prior Shift not displaying past shift close options
- Resolved issues with Deferred Scheduler not properly processing all credit transactions
- Resolved issues with VT and Full Review display no or erroneous tender type/card auth details when not-auth/deferred
- Resolved issue with Authorize Charges from batch screen on formerly deferred transactions using Mercury Pay
- Resolved issue with TOL orders should be marked orders.online_order = 3
- Blocked Add Duplicate feature on a closed ticket.
- Improved some performance issues
- Resolved issues with the Signature image from rear display not always printing correctly
- Resolved issues using loyalty cards for loyalty search
- Resolved issues regarding loyalty customer emails.
- Resolved issues with requirements selected in Quantity popping subsequent nested requirements
- Resolved issues with Return and Pay & tips payment
- Resolved issues with the report calendar
- Improved message menu buttons to allow multiple menus to be added per item.
- Resolved customer Advanced Search criteria to consider all online ordering types.
- Resolved issues with the driver list export to Dr!ve for multiple job type employees
- Resolved issues with deliveries changed to another order type staying on the dispatch In Process list.
- Resolved some iPad formatting issues.
- Improved performance of server restart time.
- Resolved call center sales reporting issue on the Store Summary
- Resolved a tax / price discrepancy that can occur on some specific fractional order combinations.
- Removed auto gratuity from 100% voided orders
- Resolved issue emailing orders that have items with messages for requirements
- Resolved issue with item void changing the item sequence, which could result in the wrong $ amount being recorded for the item void.
- Eliminated inactive tender balances from register totals on Cash screen.
- Resolved issues with certain fractional printing configurations.
- Resolved issues with KPS legacy online ordering sort order
- Resolved certain print job formatting issues
- Improved performance on saving a customer
- Finalized EMV Gift card processing and hosted payment for Thr!ve Online.
- New End of Day Checklist alert in Employee > Communications. Wiill send an email at 7:00 AM with results of last night's End of Day checklist and deposit, or expected deposit if not made.
- Resolved issues with deferred scheduler and credit transaction errors.
- Resolved erroneous driver open shift warning w/ return and pay when posting EOD deposit
- Resolved issues with deferred scheduler is inserting incorrect values for deferred_date & deferred_time when setting the order live
- Resolved issue to ensure that Return & Pay updates settle records on deferred orders, so they appear on the proper date of the register report.
- Resolved issues with legacy online ordering inserting deleted items.
- Enhanced Hosted Payments requests
- Enhanced TicketStream: Update combined tickets when combined with combined into status
- Enhanced TicketStream: Add Customer Group to customer data on order feed
- Enhanced TicketStream: Add the localized business date to additional reports
- Enhanced TicketStream: Add local timezone offset to reports
- Enhanced TicketStream: Modify Dispatch & Create a "return" record
- Enhanced TicketStream: Update order status at driver / server close
- Enhanced TicketStream: Dispatch record is using "dispatch id" to record "Driver Name"
- Enhanced TicketStream: Driver Close report is identifying the wrong employee
- Resolved issues with driver dispatch when customer is deleted.
- Resolved issues with Voiding an open, settled or pre-tendered record
- Improved consistency of how Online orders record style type.
- Resolved issues with TicketStream: Driver Close report identifying correct employee
- Resolved Issue with year format when editing End of Day Deposit date
- Resolved issue with Main Safe resetting to default starting balance when EOD deposit leaves it "short"
- Resolved issue with Deferred Let's Get orders updating the item sales report
- Resolved issue with forced deferred orders updating the item sales report
- Resolved error while using Drive App returning driver
- Resolved issue with End of Day Deposit saving values inconsistently
- Improved memory usage with Table Service Requests
- Added ability to import Delivery map KML to POS
- Enhanced EMV "Payment Failed" error messages on decline
- Resolved issues with TicketStream: Dispatch & Return, promise times.
- Resolved issues with TicketStream timezone offset (DST issue).
- Enhanced TicketStream: Item Sequence vs Item Index
- Enhanced EMV integration with On Screen Signature screen / Rear Display
- Resolved an error - Column 'cc_transaction_response' cannot be null which can occur during deferred credit processing.
- Enhanced TicketStream: Add payroll driver fees to the driver close report. Update online field to indicate online provider. Add the "return" report to the API, include customer info in the dispatch report.
- Enhanced TicketStream to update status when deferred orders go live and for driver return & pay, resolved issue with dayparts that end after midnight, added business date to No Sale report, change date & timestamp formats for item add time / offer time/ void time.
- Enhanced Thr!ve Payments to reauthorize additional transaction amount if payment is adjusted excess of allowed multiplier.
- Enhanced Thr!ve Payments Batch to show declined/failed transactions related to the authorization of an excess amount
- Resolved issue with End of Day checklist falsely reporting server shift not closed if an orders w/ order_status_id=17 (incomplete) is associated to the server
- Resolved issue with End of Day reporting a cash location unreconciled when closed & reconciled simultaneously from the frontend
New Feature: 3rd Party Online Ordering Pricing Scheme
Because of the high prices of 3rd party online ordering sites like UberEats or GrubHub, restaurant owners sometimes want to charge more on those sites. You can now configure which pricing scheme to use for 3rd party online orders by going to Config > Items > Alternative Pricing. If the order does not specify a different pricing scheme, this is the scheme that will be saved for that order. We've enhanced the XML export to include this scheme ID, and 3rd parties can now submit a pricing scheme ID with their order, which will be honored regardless of this setting. This does NOT affect LetsGet orders, but will affect all other 3rd party orders such as Chowly. Read more about Pricing Schemes.
- Resolved an issue with report dates when store hours close before midnight.
- Enhanced Support link on Home screen to be able to load in https.
- Resolved issue with Deposit which was requiring security clearance to submit even when all EOD tasks are completed
- Enhanced geocoding for customers with 1 alternate_delivery_address with default_add = 0
- Enhanced geocoding to reduce duplicate calls.
- Resolved issue with Callcenter and (legacy) online orders reprorting tax on delivery fees
- Resolved issue with Over/Short reporting on End of Day Deposit emails
- Resolved issues with editing bank deposit / over/short and/or total sales amount values
- Added support for 8-series BIN # Union Pay cards on the Discover network (Thr!ve payments)
- Enhanced KML import to support areas that utilize multiple geometry polygons
- Improved credit card batching methods to catch and recover from fatal errors, batch clear commands.
- Resolved errors related to Finger Print Reader
- Extended timeout period on EMV transactions
- Improved error messages on EMV card read errors
- Resolved issues with TOL hosted payment deferred order tip processing
- Improved formatting on Thr!ve Payments batch screen for narrower resolutions
- Resolved issues with Split tender button change due, inappropriate change reported.
- Prevent errors when online size display name presented as "null"
- Resolved issue with Driver close shift report sometimes printing inaccurate amounts
- Resolved issue with Server performance report, reports tips over $1000.00 as $1.00
- Resolved issue with Non integrated gift redemption not listed on the gift report
- Restored historical data sync CLI command to New TicketStream
- Improved printing to say "PAID" on a 100% discounted order
- Resolved issue with printing not saying "PAID" when pre-arranged payment via new Worldpay integration.
- Improved phone # formatting on orders screen for Thr!ve Online Orders.
- Added support for Android tablet with dual display.
- Added Thr!ve Control Center menu export functions
- Enhancements to EMV / Thr!ve payments integration:
- Resolved issues that can cause credit transactions to go to wrong drawer when closing a pre-arranged pickup on a different station
- Resolved an issue that can cause Thrive Online failed orders to timeout when using hosted payments.
- Resolved an issue with Countdown feature - "Invalid Item" error
- Restored date / time format on Emailed receipts
- Resolved issue with Google APIs Chart service
- EMV / Thr!ve Payments enhancements related to bar tabs, and enabling tips to be entered on the device.
- Improved Driver Close / Server Close slip formatting, shortened.
- Improved Thrive Online submit workflow to more efficiently handle declined card orders.
- Resolved issues with Active Employee List report not displaying custom field options
- Resolved issues with Expired Admin password in Thr!ve Manager
- Resolved error when editing ingredients on an item with sizes, or sizes & styles.
- Prevent Deferred Scheduler from processing orders that are status 17 (Incomplete) - Cancelled
- Resolved issue preventing taxable sale amount from recording for $.01 item
- Resolved a unique pricing issue due to incorrect isSize determination
- Resolved issues that can cause the EOD checklist to inaccurately claim a deposit has not been made
- Resolved issues with End of Day deposit email not reporting sales, over/short correctly
- Improved EOD deposit to allow manual credit sales entry (Thr!ve Payments, Use card data is unchecked)
- Resolved issues with EMV / Thr!ve Payments auto deposit, prevent posting EOD deposit before auto deposit is posted via batch close, enhanced batch display to include more card data.
- Resolved errors that can occur during Mileage calculation when attempting to unassign a single order from a multiple delivery dispatch event
- Added support for Android tablet cash drawer.
- Added support for Anrdoid tablet printer
- Resolved issues with printer, cash drawer and pole setup areas adding to CUPS automatically
- Refactored Ticketstream message queue process for better reliability
- Added dispatch time toTicketStream Dispatch record
- Resolved an issue with cash drawer configuration settings
- Resolved issues with Adjusting tips is when an order has multiple same type credit tenders, with one or more voided.
- Adjusted TicketStream "reconcile" paid tips to not include retained tips.
- Adjusted printing on Pickup orders from Thr!ve Online so credit card receipts won't print automatically when the order is received.
- Added support for Android Tablet: HID credit card reader
- Added support for IDTech encrypted readers with Cayan Gateway
- Resolved issues with Labels printing.
- Resolved issues with depositing credit cards manually when using Thr!ve Payments.
- Resolved error with End of Day checklist on fresh installation.
- Enhanced Thr!ve Online order save to accept & save geocode info
- Enhanced rear display pairing to remember the station it is paired to.
- NOTE: User can touch the top header 3 times within 1 second to unlock an “Un-Pair Station” button that remains visible for 5 seconds during which if clicked, it will forget the station assignment and return to the station select screen.
- Addressed intermittent Cayan Batch Settle failure issues
- Resolved issue with TicketStream data not sending.
- Edit Deposit issues with over/short values, prior day expected amount values and invalid argument problems
- Create Support Utility that displays configured Drive enabled flags and TOL location ID and test active status /backend/utility/drive_config_parameters.php
- N2K error reporting and failure options. store_n2k_upload_log will now contain more detailed error message. If the error is a data error, that chunk of data will not be re-attempted.
- Added a Cash Count Worksheet to frontend / Register Close process to make it easier to count the money in the drawer.
- Enhanced communication from Thr!ve to SalesBuilder to ensure that Server Name is sent during Enrolls.
- Resolved an issue with batch closes for Open Edge.
- Resolved issue with CC slip not printing at time of payment for online pickup orders.
- Resolved issue with backend reconcile not requiring you to press the over/short button.
- Resolved an issue with Reopen ticket on house account to ensure that charges are reversed.
- Resolved issues with scrolling in Thrive Manager when accessed from POS backend
- Resolved issues with non integrated gift card tender with gift # required not processing.
- Resolved issues with Split item not always splitting into 2 .5 items, and quantity button causing issues once split.
- Resolved deadlock issues related to inventory service
- Improved POS error reporting details to TOL on order submit failure.
- TicketSTream: Enhanced to send Gift Only orders
- TicketStream: Resolved issue with Total Hours in labor report when there are OT hours.
- Resolved issue with payroll driver fees getting recorded properly at shift close.
- TicketStream: Resolved issues with updating tips
- TicketStream: Enhanced Reconcile start / end balance reporting and over/short report on reconcile close.
- Improved error handling for Vantiv transactions (Token Service Unavailable)
- Resolved UPC-A barcode for order total price printing issue
- Improved formatting of "inclusion & requirement" screen on tablets
- Resolved issue with Drawer reconcile requiring an over/short reason
- Improved reliability of Dr!ve communications
- Improved formatting of printing for tablet station printers
- Resolved issue with WorldPay (Thr!ve Payments) "Clear" deferred order not properly authorizing.
- Resolved issues related to reconcile / over short reasons.
- Improved reliability of N2K upload methods
- Resolved issues with gift card transactions closing as part of WorldPay (Thrive Payments) batch
- Improved support for Partial Auth approvals with WorldPay (Thr!ve Payments)
- Resolved issue End of Day Deposit when "Use Current Credit Batch Data in Deposit" is checked (Thr!ve Payments)
- Enhanced Thr!ve Payments batch close to block ability to close batch if Post-Auth is still running
- Improved Thr!ve Payments Batch screen formatting
- Resolved issue on Thr!ve Payments Batch screen, showed server as "online" for deferred scheduler transactions
- Resolved error that prevented the "Authorize Later" option from appearing for credit card payments when internet is out.
- Added certain Mercury Pay error codes to the "Authorize Later" trigger logic.
- Technical improvements to frontend to improve performance
- Technical improvements to prevent deadlock / max connection errors
- Resolved issues with Starting / Ending balance on Register Report showing for incorrect date.
- Resolved error sending order to TicketStream when paid by gift via Thrive Payments
- Resolved errors occurring on 3rd party OLO submissions.
- Enhanced Thr!ve Payments to allow for printing of the credit card authorization details on the customer receipt.
- Resolved issue with Menu tab "valid times"
- Performance improvements, frontend
- Resolved issue that could lead to unauthorized ability to edit quantity on a saved item
- DoorDash Integration. Users can activate a DoorDash account and assign any order from the Delivery screen to DoorDash for Delivery only.
- Read article & video
- Requires a DoorDash account.
- Related change - for Chowly users, DoorDash orders will automatically "close" and not be on the dispatch screen, since they are already assigned to DoorDash for delivery.
- Added tender type data for third party OLO exports (new option in Export Items to XML)
- Resolved issue with Auto-clockout manager alert defaulting to filtered view of report.
- Improved process of reducing quantity on saved items to treat as a void rather than an edit.
- Resolved issue with partial authorized gift cards.
- Resolved issues with Driver mileage not reporting correctly in payroll or delivery performance
- Resolved formatting issue on Driver Status/ Change Tip dialog
- Added tender type XML export for third party OLO exports (Configuration > XML Exports)
- Resolved performance issues related to maximum connections errors.
- Added Confirmation and Printing on Prepaid Pickups - when a pickup is pre-paid to credit, upon recall and finish you'll see a dialog that gives you the option to Print receipt (Credit), No Receipt, or go to the register screen if tender needs to be modified.
- Enhanced Driver Payroll to display Dispatch Hours, In-House Hours and Total Hours regardless of road wage
- Resolved issues with Item Sales report updating incorrectly for combined orders
- Resolved issues with Split item quantity with a discount
- Resolved issues with tender Screen configuration
- Add category & item Modifiers, Suggestions, Not Avail Online to Central Menu Management
- Change to EMV & Rear Display interaction: If Tips are OFF in the EMV configuration, tips/signature can happen on the rear display. If tips are ON in the EMV config, enter on the device, they will be hidden from the rear display.
- Refactored dispatch screen to handle larger volume of data more effectively.
- Refactored TIcket Stream communication methods to improve efficiency, reliability and eliminate errors.
- Resolved issue with Deferred Delivery credit slips sometimes not printing the ticket number
- Resolved reporting issue for DoorDash Driver Return in TicketSTream
- Resolved issues with Driver Payroll and Delivery Performance reports showing double mileage in some cases
- Resolved issues with Driver Payroll displaying erroneous dispatch/in-house hour values when multiple delivery dispatches are present
- Resolved issue with Create Menu Tab not properly generating the next highest PLU number
- Resolved issue with End of Day Deposit showing incorrect EMV transaction results in some cases.
- Enhanced logging of pricing requests and responses
- Resolved workstation permissions for onsite backups restored
- Set Thrive payments to not send saved address data on swiped in-store transactions
- Resolved drivers not displaying on dispatch screen after returning from breaks
- Resolved Issue where pre-auth on bar tabs do not print
- Resolved Issue when navigating to Manager Home > Reconcile screen, Cash Count the button disappears when register is selected
- Resolved Issue where Inactive item in requirement was still present on requirements screen
- Resolved Issue where New Pricing Scheme is not copying prices from selected existing scheme
- Resolved Issue where in Menu configuration: No access to "Set menu order" or "Active by Store" screen was not available
8.0.43 Release - 12-5-2019
- Resolved issue where requirements that are not present physically on the menu are not presenting after selecting the main item
8.0.44 Release - 12-17-2019
- Fixed requirements prompting out of order and subsequently displaying out of order on VT
- Fixed End of Day Deposit is showing no decimal point in totals
8.0.45 Release - 12-20-2019
- Fixed Promise time in current day vs. business day discrepancy
- Fixed WorldPay: Cannot see all transactions beyond 100 on the batch screen
- Fixed All legacy OLO orders show customer birthdate invalid in VT
- Fixed Manager Void Alert Link Generates Null Void Report
- Fixed Inactive items on requirements not displaying/functioning correctly
- Partial Approval Credit Cards now deny allowing using the card further for tips or updates to ensure that the card will have no further charges applied
- Deferred legacy online credit receipts printing several times resolved
- Resolved available points for loyalty to include all orders
- Resolved internal loyalty points reporting lower total than what is available in customer lookup
- Improved the speed of the menu buttons to allow for better response for tablets
- Fixed Split tender (cash and credit) not printing credit receipt on non WP accounts
- Fixed security where an employee might be able to gain access to unauthorized areas
- Added CMM settings for Pizza Inn and Imo's
- Fixed Forced Live Deferred incorrectly including CC tip amount in CC auth total
- Fixed Thrive Online pickup orders printing four credit receipts when set to two
- Fixed Credit Card that failed to Auth allowed to Close the ticket with Deferred Order
- Fixed Fractional Pizza: Half does not remain selected if nothing selected on All
- Set Legacy credit card authorize charge from open batch to assume declined after continued failure
- Fixed CMM dropping the "other size" details and just sending the last option
- Fixed LG menu upload failing if item_message are marked available online
- Fixed Error causing issues with dispatching drivers with Call Center
- Legacy online orders received past midnight not sending proper biz day to Thrive Analytics
- Fixed Deferred order when cancelling unsaved payment now remove tenders
- Fixed Legacy online orders incorrectly rounding down internal customer loyalty points
- Fixed Signature printing issue with Drive app and possibly thriverear
- DoorDash Tip & Fee Reporting enhancement
- Ignore Credit Card check on Account Token for Thrive Payments setup
- Added Support for Auth/Tokens from WorldPay Elements Hosted Payments for Legacy OLO API
- DoorDash Tip & Fee Reporting Fixed (Driver Fees not displaying on Store Summary)
- Fixed Adding tip to Thrive-rear not showing on CC receipt
- Add support for Firefox > 60 for Thrive POS
- Fixed coupon applied in quantity exceeding order total in reports
- Prevent tax discrepancies between Thrive POS and Thrive Online Ordering
- Fixed non-Integrated gift card tender adding to order on tender cancel
- Fixed assigning bank with insufficient cash still assigning the bank with no default location specified
- Fixed issue with deferred orders cancelling unsaved payment removing tenders
- Fixed Voiding items, add item, clear item on a prepaid ticket leaving unsaved item total
- Driver close to a drawer with insufficient cash now records a cash transfer
- Fixed Legacy Credit from refunding full amount on partial voids of closed tickets (settled batch)
- Fixed Register report modal as showing "over" as a negative
- Fixed Tips Added through Rear Display not recording to the settle record
- Fixed Driver Print Run not printing
- Fixed Error on full voids using Cayan Fixed
- Mobile loyalty enroll: Removed the confirmation that reminds user to say 'YES' as it isn't necessary now
8.0.56 7/13/2020
- Tips on Payroll - this new feature allows the business to set individual job types to pay tips/ gratuity and driver fees to payroll : See your CR or support for details
- Fixed Adding a tip to a deferred order using the tender screen recording the tip properly
- Fixed Tips/Fees Paid and Tenders from Driver Close Shift dropping off Close Register report with partial void
- Fixed Internal loyalty redemptions are not being recorded properly for delivery orders in Thrive
- Changed Dispatch "In Process" to only show currently logged in drivers and dispatched orders
- Changed to never submit a $0 auth
- Fixed " Print entire production ticket for revisions" to print to all production printers
- Allowed to remove a tip (set to 0.00) on a ticket now
- Blocked negative tip amounts on adjust tips
- Changed Legacy online order submitted as Call Center to show as TakenBy Call Center
- Fixed Recalculaing tax for Thrive Online causing tax display issue on printed ticket
- Fixed Thrive Payments Gift Card transaction receipts only showing zero balance
- Fixed Driver "Pay Tips From" not defaulting to proper cash location
- Fixed issues on TOL order taxes to only accept what online provides
- Fixed Order Error when splitting tickets, choosing Save All
- Thrive Payments - fixed Previous day midday deposit auto-deposit with credit gets included in deposit email for next day
- Fixed Driver close shift is recording erroneous transfer_cash entries for mid-shift drop amounts
- Fixed Tip added to deferred Firefly payment is not added to transaction
- Eliminated duplicate & excessive transfer in / transfer out reporting on register report
- Fixed Store Summary report links not functional
8.0.57 Release 7/20/2020
- Fixed customer alt address not being selected after going in to view customer
- Fixed Default address not showing on customer lookup
- Fixed if Alt_delivery_address was out of the delivery area POS would flag main delivery address as invalid
- Add Country Code for use with geocode requests for more accurate results
8.0.58 Release 7/29/2020
- Resolved ALT new phone numbers are not saving to customer record
8.0.59 Release 9/14/2020
- Resolved Split tenders do not open cash drawer or print credit card receipts
- Resolved Alt Phone numbers are not transferring to the virtual ticket
- Resolved Automatically reprint on voids only works when print entire ticket for revisions is turned on
- Resolved PPI returns auth code 1 - now properly records the auth
- Fixed Account Payment paid with Credit to allow the payment
- Fixed Inventory Error Uncaught ReferenceError: $next_row saving item ingredients.
- Fixed tips not printing if keyed into the POS terminal with an attached EMV device
- Fixed Deferred Thrive Online Orders from authorizing when going live with Worldpay
- Worldpay Debit certification and integration with Thrive Payments/Worldpay - Debit transactions are now supported. Contact WorldPay to add debit to the merchant account.
- WorldPay QuickChip & Contactless EMV: Pre-read function allows the customer to put their card in at the early stages of an order to capture the card information. Once the order has been completed and the employee hits PinPad, the amount of the order gets sent to the EMV device and authorizes. This feature requires Version 23 on the EMV device and activation, please contact support for more information.
- "Quick Pickup" on the Orders screen- If you are on a register screen and a pickup was paid with a credit card, you will have a new button next to the full review button that will allow you to close the order without recalling it. Learn More.
- Bypass EMV for Phone Orders: Added configuration option to Bypass EMV device and Key in credit card on POS tender screen - To run an EMV , you will now choose the Pin Pad button. If you turn on the pin pad bypass, you can choose credit and you will be able to process the order on screen as a phone order.
- "None" as a Tip Option: Configure the EMV device to show "none" by entering only 2 tip values in configuration.
- Enhanced Thrive Payments EMV orders so that orders rang as a Sale with no tip added will not print a tip line
- Removed option for multiple Paid in / Out without confirming each Paid In and Out
- Resolved issues that can occur adding a tip to a TOL delivery and then removing it, will remove it from the order but not the CC batch
- Fixed Store Summary > Starting, Ending balance not matching in certain situations
- When Thrive Payments Auto Deposits, balances are correctly set to 0 in all cases
- Fixed Drawer close not recording transfer of cash to cover tip shortage in some circumstances
- Fixed Address failing to add area code, zip code, City and State in some cases
- Resolved issue with Transfers report recording driver transfers as cash rather than multiple tenders.
- Resolved issue with "Overall" printing alongside "1st Half" for fractional orders if nothing is on Overall.
- Fixed Thrive Payments Refund transactions are being added to batch total instead of decremented.
- Fixed Driver Close to location A with tips paid out from location B is incorrect
- Fixed "Print entire production ticket for revisions " appears to be printing non-production items to production printers
- Fixed Change is Tip on tender screen recording full amount as a Sale with no Tip
- Fixed Cannot save field under employee, security, " Can This Employee Send E-mail?"
- Add option to not print credit card receipts under X threshold for Thrive Payments
- Block tip adjustment on paid tips
- Fixed Out of stock items will show error twice followed by 2x all inclusions if size is selected first
- Fixed Advanced Search Orders screen returns 0 results when using the phone number submitted by TOL
- Fixed Dispatch Error on dispatch screen when Driver App not configured
- Fixed Thrive Payments - When payment goes over Expansion factor it was recording as rounded amount and irregular settle records
- Fixed Cash tender on top of pre-paid credit tender reduces price of credit tender by amount of change due
- Fixed Unable to recall a ticket that has a refund
- Fixed Adding Tip through the Tender Screen on Recall should add to the existing authorization
- Fixed Tender too high when adding item to a pre-paid pickup
- Fixed Failure to send transferCash requests after apparent closeRegister failure
- Fixed hosted payments call center submission isn't recording settle_amount.tip_amount
- Fixed "Use Current Credit Batch Data in Deposit" shows credit values in midday and EOD deposit
- Fixed Cannot edit tip from dispatch screen with "legacy" credit options
- Fixed Cannot Edit Tips in Driver Status when using Mercury
- Fixed Cash tender records payment as exact amount
- Fixed Disabled "Detailed Cash Management" Leads to Null Pointer Exception when closing a driver
- Fixed Mid-Day deposit is not showing credit totals in edit prior deposit list
- Fixed "Settle" for table orders is not populating tender options
- Recalled tickets will not reprice unless you adjust the order, including online orders
- Allow Legacy Credit Card processing to reprint credit card receipt if additional charge added properly
- Support partial gift refunds and disallow gift increases with Thrive Payments
- Fixed Adjust tips dialog is populating behind the Server Status screen
- Fixed Tips double pay out with item void orders
- Fixed Apartment number missing in driver screen
- Fixed Pay Later on a Register station with Cash Selected causing issues with the finalizing order
- Fixed Manager home delivery mapping failure when customer records have unicode characters
- Editing Customer Name does not reflect on the customer record
- Fixed Adding Large Tips from Order Lookup screen causes warning to not have focus
8.0.68 - skipped version number
- "No signature requred on transaction under:" checkbox for do not print credit card receipt causes no credit card receipts to print
- Fixed Firefox Quantom on Centos 8 is not exiting the POS from the exit link in manager home area
- Fixed editing a name when a delivery order will now update on the ticket
- Fixed Dispatch Receipt (print run) should include the phone extension number
- Void approved transactions when a transaction is declined (TOL Transactions where a partial Gift Card and Credit Card are used and the Credit Card declines it will void the Gift Card)
- Changed phone number extensions to allow 6 characters in all areas.
- Fixed Rear display not getting status update to display the ticket on order recall
- Added Unusually Large Tip Warning for Rear Display for customers
- Enhanced on screen keyboard on rear display email entry to collapse on Pressing Enter
- Resolved Quick Chip w/ Gift Card Sale and tip failing to complete reload
- Enhanced gift card reprint list to add scroll function
- Resolved inability to access support portal from iPad app
- Ppreventing driver drops from recording multiple drops
- Resolved Edit timeclock overwriting tip amount
- Enhanced Fingerprint capture for Cent OS 8
- Enhanced Cayan Gift Card functions for php 7.2, Cent OS8
8.0.73 (8.0.72 skipped)
- Resolved issues with On the Clock reports clockout for Cent 8.
- Blocking store and forward MSR transactions with Cayan
- Resolved issues with Reprint Slip from Credit batch screen (WorldPay)
- Resolved issues with Caller ID lookup screen selecting most recent call
- Resolved issues with Register close transferCash fails due to employeeId = null
- Resolved issues with Delivery Fee not populating VT fast enough
- Resolved issues with adding tip from pin pad potentially resulting in order_price = 0 and total + tip = orderTip
- Refactor Caller ID lookup and data storage for efficiency. Moved Caller ID report to be accessible from customer lookup screen
- Revised Reprint Entire Ticket on Revision, if unchecked, only void items or additional items will reprint
- Inventory Included Item Usage screen format issue resolved
- Added HID support for MSRs (speed performance) Linux
- Change DoorDash onboarding form to new URL
- Resolved pricing issue with Reorder from past history
- Resolved issues with swiping certain 21 digit Givex gift cards
- Resolved issues with Auto clock out and On The Clock report compatibility with Cent OS 8.
- Exempt email field from credit card input check
- Resolved issues related to mySQL 8.0 upgrade
- Resolved service issue with new caller ID
- Enhanced entire ticket void to remove tips