Credit Configuration - Worldpay | Element EMV
Start by navigating to Manager Home > Configuration > Tax Tender Cash > Credit.
Select Worldpay | Element as your card processor and save.
Click the link for Thr!ve Manager to finish configuration.
You'll need to enter your administrative password to access this configuration. Read more about the administrative password here.
Configure Account Settings:
The first section is the Account Settings. Here you will enter the credentials provided for your specific location by Worldpay. These include the acceptor ID, Account ID, Account Token, and Terminal ID. Also, select if you will be using these settings for Credit, Debit, Gift.
Note: Debit is supported as of version 8.0.61 and must be activated with WorldPay.

Configure EMV Settings:
These settings apply to the EMV device itself and how tips are managed via the device. The device will suggest a tip amount - either a percentage of the order or a fixed dollar amount. Select your preference and enter the tip amounts to suggest.
Set "Custom tip" on if you want to allow the customer to enter their own tip amount.
You can enter up to 3 tip amounts. If you only enter 2, "none" will default as the 3rd option.
If you do not enter any tip amounts, the EMV device will not ask for a tip. A tip can then be entered on the Customer Display or via the Adjust Tips function.
Note: If the EMV tips are on, card present transactions will be processed as a "Sale" which is final. Tips can not be adjusted. If the EMV Tips are off, card-present transactions will be processed as "Pre-Auth", so tips can be entered and adjusted later. Delivery & Pick Up orders are always Pre-Auth. (Note, this workflow was updated in 8.0.61, prior versions may operate slightly differently).
Turn on Allow Bypass of PIN Pad to allow users to select "Credit" on the tender screen to enter credit card data directly into the POS system. This is used for phone orders where it may be more convenient to type into the workstation, and where the AVS / CVV validation is desired. (Available in version 8.0.61 and higher).

Configure Security Settings:
The security settings help you protect your transactions.
Enter CVV on Keyed Orders: Requires cashier to enter the card security code on any keyed (card not present) transaction.
Enter CVV on Thr!ve Online orders: Requires customer to enter their CVV number when paying online
Archive data after: Although all card data is tokenized (so card #s are never stored in your system), archiving even this data can add extra security.
Minimum AVS result Allowed (in store and online): The AVS setting refers to the match of address / zip code to the card billing address. You can choose how strictly to enforce this - "Match Required" means the street and zip must match. Or choose just zip, just street address, or allow mismatch. If a match is required, any card that doesn't match will decline.
Signature Requirement: You can always require a signature, never, set a $ threshold, or let the processor response dicate if a signature is needed. Check your merchant agreement for the preferred setting.
Signature threshold: If you've chosen "Use Threshold" for the signature requirement, enter the $ amount here.
Allowable Excess Multiplier: Transactions are initially "pre-authed" for the transaction amount. If the transaction changes before being finalized, we can "Post-auth" for a higher amount up to this multiplier. This prevents your customers from seeing 2 transactions occur, but a higher post-auth amount can lead to risks. If the transaction is changed for higher than the allowed amount (including adding a large tip) a 2nd transaction will be run at batch close for the additional amount.

Configure Print Settings:
Use this section to configure how transactions will print.
Number of credit and gift receipts to print: 0, 1 or 2.
Note: You can also use the Thr!ve on screen signature or rear display feature to allow customers to sign their receipt online, and have it e-mailed to them or they can choose to print a copy.
Include a tip line on the receipt for credit / gift: Yes / No
Receipt font size: Choose your font size.
Print delivery receipt: For delivery orders, choose if you want the credit receipt to print at time of order, at the time of dispatch, or both.

Connect EMV device to your terminal:
If you are using EMV devices, you'll need to install them on your network. Plug them into a network cable that is attached to your router. Next, you'll need to configure them and pair them to the workstation.
- Contact technical support to add terminals to your system. Each terminal will have a unique terminal ID.
- Navigate to Manager Home > Configuration > General > Station Device. Select the 1st station that will have an EMV device. Enter the EMV terminal ID.
- Press save and repeat for all stations. Stations can share the same EMV terminal.

Test Merchant Account:
Once your merchant account is set up, you should test a transaction, test the batch close, and confirm that the deposit went to your bank account.