Add ordering by seat
We are currently using Firefly (we have for over 10 years) and are happy with the ability to order by seat number. In fact, we rely very heavily on it because we work in a team environment where a server can ring in food or drinks and another server can run those to their table. By having seat numbers we are able to provide better service to our guests by knowing exactly where an item goes, rather than “auctioning” it off at the table. It also helps us keep better organized.
We want to upgrade to Thrive, and this is the only hold up. The work-arounds are not good solutions for us. Ordering by seat number has been a function of Firefly since we began using the system over a decade ago. We appreciate your help!

Thanks for the suggestion! Order by seat is definitely something on the list for the future. Many of our customers are using the “Subtotal” feature in thrive to accomplish much the same function in the meantime. Rather than entering a name you can enter a seat #.
Duessa & Thrive product team