It would be nice to have a (Red Book). For quick viewing now that we have had our system over a year. call my I can explain 423-972-2184
Red Book compairs sales to prevous year by the hour. Also each day we can enter things like weather, parties, employee issues, local events and other things that might have effected sales that day. You could also have a colom for forcasted sales by the hour to compair to.

HI! Thanks for the suggestion.
We do have a similar feature in our “Forecasting” option. This would allow you to set today’s forecast based on last year’s sales +or – a %, or on an average of the last 6 weeks, etc. It also allows you to enter a note and disregard a particular day from the forecast if unusual events have impacted it. Here is an article about it:
This translates into forecasted sales by hour on the daily schedule screen
We’ll be working on some improved forecasting reports in the future as we continue to develop Thrive Analytics.
Duessa & Thrive Product Team.