Different lead time depending on order type.
We obviously need more lead time for a delivery order than a pickup order. We're forced to set our lead time for deliveries, so what happens quite often when it's busy is the deferred pickup orders get made way too early.

Hi, thanks for the suggestion. That makes a lot of sense, and is something we can consider adding for future development!
Duessa & Thr!ve Product Team
Rod Barnett commented
I'm really shocked that such a core feature was implemented without two critical variables being able to be entered ( Pickup Lead Time or Delivery Lead Time). This has costed me 85$ this week and is now causing a big problem with Grubhub customers ordering deferred! I cant turn it on because either they get cold food (lead time is set long enough for delivery) or they get a late delivery because I want the pickup to still be hot... THIS MAKES YOUR CO LOOK VERY INCOMPETENT. FIX THIS BASIC FEATURE!
Mondo commented
This is regarding deferred orders.