The screen times out and all information that you were working on gets trashed. Should not the screen auto log out when you touch a button or the mouse.
example: if you leave the final deposit screen up for longer than normal at the end of the night the system will allow you to plug in numbers and push the save button. Right after the save button is pushed the screen goes to the auto log out screen. The user thinks that the deposit for the night has been saved and sent however the machine just allow the user to think all the number placed were saved but it did not. Same for when you are making a coupon and leave the system for 5 min to take care of something in your restaurant. you come back after 5 min make 30 min of settings press save and nothing gets saved. Its like a trick.

Hi Paul,
Thank you for your feedback. The screen time out setting is user defined and can be turned off completely or set for a longer time period. To do this, go to Configuration > Employee > Timeclock and check the “Enable auto log out” setting. Here is more info :
Duessa & Thr!ve Product team