Defaulting to "all" instead of indiviudal servers.
It's a huge pain for our staff when we can't see the orders of the whole restaurant, dine-in, pick-up, and delivery on our order screens, as it just defaults to our particular person logged in. All of the time our servers can be answering phones on pick-ups or deliveries, and need to see that information, even if someone else took it. Our managers needs to be able to see the entire order screen, not just the pick-up or deliveries they personally put in. It's a pain to have to take another step and constanstly be scrolling through names to get to "all", even past names of people who no longer work here.

Hi Danny,
I hear you! This feature is controlled by the setting in Config > Employee > Job Type “allow tickets to be assigned as a server”. If checked, it will default to the server name. We added this to Thr!ve after getting complaints from ex-FireFly users that it was not defaulting (as it does in FireFly) but have learned that some people preferred the “All” default. We’ll work on adding in an option. You may also want to try unchecking this on your managers. I think the only limitation there will be that you can’t transfer table orders to them if it is unchecked.
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product Team
True, the setting "Allow tickets as a server" controls whether the orders screen defaults to that server's name, NOT whether the employee appears on the drop down list.
Anonymous commented
Config> Employee> Job Type isnt a fix for ALL employees showing in the "for server" drop down. I only have Server, Driver and Manager checked as "allow tickets to be assigned as a server" yet ALL employees still show in the drop down.