Enhancement to Out of Stock
The Out of Stock feature currently makes you choose an item from a list of all of the categories and this list is not alphabetical so it can be difficult to find the correct category to choose an item from. For example, go into our vast expanse of items and try to select every instance of mushrooms to mark that as being out of stock. Very difficult to do.
It would be much easier to have the list sort by department first then that can be expanded to show the categories and then that can be expanded to show the items. This is the way it is done when setting up requirements and I feel that is the best way to do it anywhere in Thrive. Department first, then category, then item.
This has also always been an issue when setting up inclusions within an item. It is very difficult to navigate through all of the categories to find the right items.

Thanks for the suggestions. We will be refactoring this area in the future and will look to make this easier to navigate.
Darren Fox commented
Oh I almost forgot! The default in this is to show all items including inactive items. It would be more useful to only display active items. Perhaps have a checkbox to display inactive?