72 results found
Option to view labor as sales per labor hour
We recently started setting our labor projections by using sales per labor hour rather than percents. (ex. Say you have $1000 in sales and 34 hours in labor. You would be at $29.41 per hour) It would be nice to have that on reports and be able to glance where we're at quickly rather than calculate it ourselves.
0 votesHi,
We do have a measure called Labor Productivity which I think covers what you are trying to go for. You can turn this on in Configuration > Employee > Timeclock payroll and check Labor Productivity. THen you will see this # on your labor reports.Thanks
Duessa & Thr!ve Product Team -
Income summary report needs a breakdown of order type by hour
The number of deliveries each hour is important for forcasting how many drivers we need to schedule.
0 votesHi! Thanks for the suggestion. You can get this breakdown on the Order Type by Interval report.
Duessa & Thr!ve Product Team. -
Dispatch Wait time needs a 0 when under 10 minutes
Not a huge deal, just seems like it would be an easy fix. When a delivery is, say 5 minutes old for example, the wait time will read 0:5 rather than 0:05.
1 voteThanks! We’ve actually just fixed this in our upcoming 8.0 release which is going into beta shortly.
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product Team. -
Allow Gift Cards to be used as payment for online orders
There needs to be an option for using gift cards as payment for online orders. Our processor (Vantiv) said that the eccommerce account is capable of accepting gift card payment, it's just a matter of adding that to the checkout on Thrive Online.
28 votesYou can use gift cards through the online ordering.
1 vote
Hi Danny,
THis is absolutely an option in coupon set up. In the area where you select the size, there is =, >, < and “Other”. Cick the other box and click the details button to get to a screen where you can specify which sizes / styles are valid. For more on setting up coupons, please visit our help page here:
If you scroll down about half way you’ll see the instructions for this.
Thr!ve Product Team. -
Would like to see a repeat buttom in Thrive to faster reorder the same drink etc..
Would like to see a repeat buttom to faster reorder the same drink etc.. after the item(s) has been saved in the system. Used to have it in an older version in FireFly.
3 votes -
It would be great if you can store the email address from the online ordering and then we as a restaurant can send out email blasts
It would be great if we were able to keep all the emails in one place from the online orders and be able to send an email blast with special offers and coupons..
1 voteHi Amy,
You can export the customer data with email addresses from your POS system. Check out this article to learn more. Once you have the list, you can use the e-mail system of your choice to send out marketing messages. If you prefer to have these messages go out automatically, check out our integrated loyalty system which will send e-mails to different customers based on their purchase habits.,
Thr!ve Product Team. -
Expiring Drivers insurance
I just had a driver in a accident and his insurance had expired. It would be nice if the employee login expired when their insurance card did.
1 voteHi Rod,
Thr!ve does have a feature to alert you and prevent log on when certain emlpoyee requirements are expired. Take a look at these 2 articles for more info: and
Duessa -
When will the count down button work again?
Hello, When will the count down on items be up and running again?
0 votes -
gratuity for large groups.
it doesnt show on the ticket and this is confusing for the customer. we use to have it under Firefly and would love to see it back.
Marc1 voteHI Marc, Thank you the comment! We have added this into the 7.8.0 version of Thr!ve which is going into beta early next week. I can put your store on the list for an update as soon as it is available!
Thr!ve product team. -
Split items
Servers need the ability to split individual items not just split tickets.
When a group wants to split an app or an entree we hit problems.1 voteHi!
We do have the ability to split items. On the split screen, you’ll see a little icon like a fork next to the item. Just click on that to split the item among multiple guests. For more info, here is an article about it.
Thr!ve product team. -
Joining Loyalty program Should Be - Pre Checked on new Online Order.
Joining Loyalty program Should Be - Pre Checked on new Online Order.
It is NOT easy to find and should be big and re checked.
2 votesThis has been completed with a revamp of guest ordering / loyalty sign up.
Order screen default to person logged in.
Order screen default to person logged in. Please add the function back that Firefly used on the order screen to default back to the person logged in. Also please consider adding a Bar Tab function for the the Tab CC swipe to pull the name from the CC and use it for the Tab name.
3 votesThis has been completed in the 7.8.0 release.
allow the server to hit pay later when he recalls an online order, when this happens now it will auto void the credit card
When we recall the online tickets they will automatically void when the pay later button is hit whether accidentally or intentionally
14 votes -
Create a function that allows employees to clock in under different job codes or provide a way to have more than one pay rate for an employe
Provide an option for an employee to chose the job classification they will get clocking in under. Example, I have a barista that also works as a server. Both have different pay rates. Currently this is not an option but needs to to track accurate labor during the shift.
1 voteHi Joe! Thanks for the suggestion. This forum is specific to our Thr!ve POS system, which is geared toward general restaurants. I’ve forwarded your comments to our CoffeeShopManager team for review!
Thr!ve Product Team. -
Order screen default to person logged in
Please quickly add the feature to have the Order screen default to the person who is logged in. When you are busy and have 50+ tickets open it is just a wasted step having to select your name from drop down or select a specific order type. We have 2 bars at one location with 4 bartenders trying to sort thru numerous Bar tickets to locate the one they want.
6 votesThis has been completed in the 7.8.0 release.
Driver app should be integrated with google maps or waze
The old deriction system it's old and out of date. Driver app should be integrated with google maps or waze to expedite the driver deliveries and store performance.
2 votes -
split tickets
We like the drag and drop for splitting items but want to be able to split checks 2,3 or 4 ways without having to move a bunch of items. That was a great feature overlooked on thrive, many people just want to split big orders down the middle.
7 votesThis feature has been completed and is available in the 8.0 version of Thrive.
On a new customer, it provides email address position. after you save a customer, that option disappears?
On a new customer, it provides email address position. after you save a customer, that option disappears?
1 vote -
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?