Creating A Job Requirement
To set up a requirement navigate to the Manager screen > Configuration > Employees.

Under Job Requirements, select Add New from the drop down to create a new requirement.

A new window will appear. Name the requirement. You can also set how many days in advance you would like the requirement to alert when it's close to expiration. Click ADD

The requirement will now show in the drop down list.

Now that the requirement is created, you need to attach it to a specific job type. In this example we created an insurance requirement. The most logical job type to attach to would be a driver. To do this select the driver job type from the job type menu.

Select the Active checkbox to make this requirement active for this job type, and click Save Changes. The requirement will now be tied to the job type.
The next step would be to enter the employee's insurance information into the new requirement. To learn how to do this, you can read the Employee Requirements article. An easy way to check all of your employee's requirements at the same time would be to run the Active Employee Report. You can also read the Add Requirements Expiration To Your Report.
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