Why Can't we Integrate Google Analytics Yet?
Google Analytics is used by almost the entire customer base you work with yet when I called to integrate it I was told simply no, it does not work and there are zero plans to offer this critical integration. Why is this an issue? It's so basic, that there should a place inside Thrive to just cut and paste the code we need. Yet we are left in the dark as to how people interact with our Online ordering and many other data points critical to our continued success. Something this simple should have been in the first release or at minimum shortly after. Is this an issue that is being worked on? Or are we left without proper analytics forever?

Good news! You can now use Google Tag Manager to manage all your tracking pixels with Thrive Online, such as Google Analytics, Facebook, etc.!
D commented
Duessa thank you for addressing this. Its rare to hear any feedback and this is feedback worth getting. Many of us look forward to getting this done asap. Thanks!