Digital Punch Card/E Gifts
During our lunch time many people come from a nearby industrial park where many workers have only a half hour to eat lunch. We provide a large slice selection for this reason and we are mostly grab and go during lunch. We would love to have some type of digital punch card available as a reward that can get punched for every slice you buy. So when you buy a certain amount of slices you will receive a free slice. This can be configured for any item on your menu for as many places offer punch cards for whole pizza purchases.

Hi Dimitri,
Thanks for your suggestion! I would encourage you to check out the Thr!ve loyalty program built into the program. This would allow you to set up a point program that gives the user 1 point for each slice purchased. You can then set a $ amount that points can be redeemed for, or use our SalesBuilder program to issue a specific reward after X slices (like a free slice). Here's some more info about the loyalty program: