need to be able to process refunds from POS
It is rediculous that we cannot issue a refund from the POS system!!!

There is security in the POS to be able to Void the ticket from previous date which will "void" the credit transaction which will refund the amount.
R Bobo commented
You can currently issue a refund from the Config/Cash/Credit screen. You would still need to ask the customer for their CC information again...
From--> ManagerHome/Cash/
Then click Credit Transaction, then select Sale or Credit.* Must have it Active under--> MangerHome/ Config/Tax-Tender/Credit
Activate Credit Processing on Batch Screen: Check Mark -
Chris commented
If we need to issue a refund for a mistake or a discrepancy from an earlier date, we need to be able to do it at that time through the POS system. The customer will also need a receipt showing that their credit card was refunded. We may be dealing with an upset customer, who may not be ok with taking our word that we will call the CC processor, and not give them some sort of receipt to prove that it was processed. It is totally unacceptable and un heard of, that we can not issue refunds.