Trend Report - Excel should export to format of colomns and rows versus printed output. Excel analysis in current format is labor intensive
PROBLEM :User required to manipulate data to attempt to analyze in excel due to data format and data type translations for dates SOLUTION: For the export, (1) the columns headers should be Date, Gross Order Total, Total Net Sales, Total Sales, Daily Average Sales, (the rest of the row headers), etc.., all on the top. (2) The data values populated underneath the appropriate column headers (3) Export to Excel would be seamless without manipulating the data output for analysis purposes (4) correct data format to be mm/dd/yyyy. BENEFIT: Quickly and easily export data and take advantage of all the functions of excel to analyze business. Additional benefit would to include the food costs associated for each day
Hi Michael,
Over the next year we will be updating all of our reporting functionality and adding more robust format and export capabilities.
Thr!ve Product Team.