Version 7.7.x
What's New in Version 7.7.0
Watch a video about Version 7.7.0 highlighted features:
Improved & Simplified Register Close & Reconcile Process
Some have said Thr!ve's 2-step register close and reconcile process can be a bit confusing. We've simplified by giving you the option to close and reconcile in one easy step, just by counting your cash. Read More or Watch Video- Close and Reconcile in 1 step - just enter the total cash in the drawer.
- Use the "Count Later" button to keep the old process - where you reconcile from Manager Home
- We've added security to the "View Report" option, so you can enforce a blind close.
- We've made Thr!ve a lot smarter about maintaining your starting balance, so if you don't have enough cash in the drawer, you have the option to transfer some in or start short.
- Same smarts apply to paying tips - if you don't have enough cash in the drawer, Thr!ve will walk you through transferring it.

Improved & Simplified Driver Status Screen.
We've simplified some of the functions on the Driver Status screen to make it less confusing and easier to use! Read Details- Enter tips right from the screen using your keyboard or on screen keypad, just tab through the tickets for fast tip entry!
- We've removed the "Undo Settle / Settle tickets" from here, so just one consistent process is used. If you need to change a ticket's tender type, you can do so from Full Review.

View & Reprint Past Driver Shift Closes
Looking for an easy way to vew a prior driver's shift close? You can do so now from the 'Print' button on the Driver Status screen! Read More.
Improved E-Mail Receipts & Confirmations
We're excited to announce a revamped approach to e-mail receipts and dispatch confirmations! First, we've removed all the complex set up - so you no longer need to use your personal email credentials. Next, we've improved the format of the e-mails to include your logo, customer signature for credit cards, and to make them look better in general! Internal manager alert emails will also no longer require e-mail account set up, though their formatting hasn't changed - yet! Learn more about e-mail receipts and automatic email order confirmations.

Track Adds & Edits to Tickets on the Full Review Screen
Thr!ve now gives you insight into any post-save adds or edits, right from the Full Review screen (Learn More)
Improved Register Assign
Use the Register Assign feature to limit access to your cash drawers. Learn More.
Improved Tools for Internet Connectivity Problems
We've added active network monitoring for all the sites you might need to connect to - like Google maps, SalesBuilder, Thr!ve Online, Dr!ve, etc. If a site is unreachable, or if your internet is down, you'll be notified in the "Instant Messaging" section of your POS system.
- Whenever possible, actions & updates are queued so that they will still be sent when connectivity returns. For example, SalesBuilder loyalty enrollments, transactions and redemptions, Thr!ve Online or Let's Get menu updates, Dr!ve status updates, E-mail notifications are all sent as soon as have have a connection.
- Other actions that can't be saved for later - such as mapping or driving directions, will time out quickly so as not to interfere with your POS processes.
- Credit card processing will still attempt to connect, and give you an "authorize later" option if a connection is not available.
Other New Features & Improvements:
- Out of Stock Updates to Thr!ve Online: Marking an item "Out of Stock" in the POS will now update Thr!ve Online Out-of-Stock status. Learn more about Out-of-Stock.
- Thr!ve Online Gift Cards: Changes have been made to accept orders tendered with a gift card from Thr!ve Online, and to send gift card configuration to Thr!ve Online when saving. This feature is not yet deployed on the Thr!ve Online side as of Feb. 2017.
- Onsite Backups: Enhanced the back up function to enable automatic back up the database nightly to another station on the network (in addition to cloud backups).
- Added export to Thr!ve Online when pressing "SAVE" on item main screen (for sort order), also added an "Update Thr!ve Online Now" button for when automatic updates are turned off.
- Eliminated requirement to undo settle before modifying a returned delivery - now you can void an item, add a coupon, etc. and modify the credit card.
- Print customer receipt on demand. If no receipt printer is defined for the station / order type, a Print Receipt button will appear on the tender screen to print an individual order to the local printer. Learn More
- Removed the PC Charge Manager Alert Option as PC Charge is no longer a supported credit card option.
- Add Management Alert for Available Software Update
- Improved cache management so that Station configuration changes take affect when returning from manager home.
- Enhanced Coupon functionality to support the "Exclude size/style upcharge" setting
- Change the suggestions link to go to the Thr!ve POS feedback forum
- Updated help icons to link to Thr!ve POS help system
Defects & Corrections:
Thr!ve POS Issues
- Resolved issues with Repeated Nested Requirements
- Resolved issues with nested Requirements not saving in proper order in order submit
- Resolved an error that occurred when really old deliveries sat on dispatch screen
- Resolved issues where user can bypass style requirements to get to tender screen on a saved, modified order
- Resolved issues with driving direction from customer edit displaying in km not mi
- Resolved issues with driver close on an order that has had original settled undone / retendered after return.
- Resolved issues with Deferred orders with split gift / credit tender (non integrated gift)
- Resolved a pricing issue related to substitutions on fractional orders where "no reduces price".
- Resolved issues selecting items that have been moved to a split ticket.
- Resolved issues with Void settled table order
- Improved functions related to Cayan partial void tendered with gift certificate
- Resolved issue with typing in the customer message field triggering address validation
- Resolved issue with table status alerts
- Resolved issues with splitting a ticket that has subtotals. (Subtotals are removed on new split tickets)
- Resolved issues to hide loyalty tender button and enroll pop up when loyalty is off.
Reporting Issues
- Fixed issues with the Labor Sales Report showing hours/$ as all 0.00 on autumnal daylight savings date
- Resolved formatting issue on Ticket Details with split tender types.
Thr!ve / FireFly Configuration Issues
- Made changes needed for CMM on next-gen platform
- TOL now updated automatically when requirements config changes
- Customer external loyalty configuration drop down doesn't display currently selected program
- KPS item config needed saving dialog added.
- Resolved issue with editing customer record removing account association
- Improved the way custom discount amounts are entered
- Reworked Order screen search criteria so that after midnight still shows today's orders
- Revised split ticket process to retain original server assignment
- Improved close register process, if drawer requires more cash and default drawer does not have enough cash, user will need to choose a different cash location.
- Resolved issue with paid breaks not showing as paid on Payroll report
- Resolved issue with Dispatch confirm emailing when it is not configured to do so (if receipt confirm was on)
- Resolved issue with receipt emailing not working without Send Order Confirmation Options on
- Resolved issue to prevent Order level % discount applying multiple times
- Resolved issue with Driver Late Manager Alert.
- Addressed additional issues with the Order screen after midnight not showing correct order dates
- Wording changes in Printer Save Dialogs
- Adjusted logging in Wildfly to ensure logs do not get too large
- Resolved issues with Combining tickets that have coupons
- Adjusted message queue service to catch SalesBuilder errors avoid retries.
- Resolved issues with "Close register" function printing register close receipt
- Resolved issue with editing an unsaved deferred order when "Report on day of order" is checked.
- Modify the Thr!ve Online export to include corporate / local on items and offers (future development in Thr!ve Online to manage these)
- Include the "override category default" flag for excluded modifiers in TOL export
- Added support for SSL Implementation of legacy 3rd party online ordering integration.
- Resolved issue related to sending data to Dr!ve app on dispatch.
- Resolved issues with medium font on credit card receipts and frontend reports.
- Resolved issues with Register close reports formatting differently when printed before or after reconcile from frontend.
- Fix printer assignment for register close
- Resolved issues with Day Part / End of Day Deposit emails not sending. Improved UI dialogs for EOD deposit alert.
- Add validation methods for "email from name" from the UI and API levels to prevent incorrect existing data from being used after update.
- Removed deprecated Mobile Access Setting from employee record
- Resolved issue with Item % discount applying only once per order
- Resolved issues with subtotal 2nd item ordered not showing on VT
- Resolved issue with 100% Discounted Deliveries are open but not on the dispatch screen
- Resolved issue editing Job & Payroll in employee configuration with deselecting/selecting a job
- Fixed issue with Server Details Report "Include tax in total" check box won't remain checked
- Updated Thrive background graphics in frontend and rear display
- Resolved issues with open settled tickets on same table showing multiple instances inline, which spreads across the screen.
- Resolved issues sending Daypart alerts to all configured addresses without limit.
- Resolved issue with credit receipt duplicating lines for card # and exp date
- Refactor KPS to better manage display of tickets after a split ticket is edited.
- Resolved issues with reports Ticket Details hyperlink not populating the virtual ticket
- Resolved issue with voided orders from non-register stations not appearing on void report
- No relevant issues
- Resolved issues with Frontend / Timeclock - View Schedule default to Today, Today plus 7, View Time Record default to Today, Today minus 7
- Resolved issues with Unpaid break occasionally showing as paid on payroll reports
- Resolved problems with loading floor designer in some cases.
- Changed Auto update option to default ON (You'll be prompted on Manager Home when an update is available)
- Resolved issues with certain Requirements not showing on the Virtual Ticket when ordered via 3rd party online ordering.
- Resolved issues with Legacy OLO submission failing to record delivery order tax in certain situations.
- Resolved issues Incorrect values and dates being submitted to N2K when editing bank deposits.
- Resolved issues with the Customize/filter button on the Employee Schedule Report.
- Resolved problems with the "Inventory not licensed alert"
- Added option in Configuration > Order Types > Delivery to print/not print deferred orders when set live. This works only in conjunction with the "Report Deferred order sale on day of order" feature (must be enabled).
- Refactored split ticket screen in iPad to allow for scrolling of main ticket, remove drag function.
- Resolved issues with split tickets creating duplicates when all but voided items are split off main ticket.
- Resolved issue with Payroll export button missing from report navigation.
- Resolved issue with fingerprint readers not working after workstation services update.
- Resolved issues with coupon validation to consider deferred date / time
- Resolved errors that can occur when Splitting an order with KPS enabled
- Resolved errors that can cause duplicate orders when splitting tickets with voided items.
- Resolved issue with Timeclock Receipt not printing hours, report not showing hours
- Resolved issues with entering a tip on a 2nd credit card on Ipad
- Resolved issues preventing save of employee Job & Payroll information in some cases
- Resolved issue with Chrome browser causing missing arrow to add tax structure/kps/printer to dept, cat, items
- Resolved issue with requirements not always saving properly when submitted by Let's Get Online
Version 7.7.15
- Resolved issue with Pay Tips to Server Not Printing Tip Receipt
- Resolved issue with "Automatically reprint on voids"
- Resolved issue with Receipt printing on pay for saved orders
- Resolved issues that can cause the Orders screen to show duplicate listings
- Resolved issue where voiding pre-arranged delivery order could incorrectly show as a refund
- Improved ability for register close after midnight to reset cash_location_balance
- Made adjustments to Autotune for wildfly/7.7 performance improvements
- TicketStream: Modify deposit date timestamp to match deposit business date
- Adjusted Promise time uploads to TOL to prevent an attempt to send when TOL is not active.
- Adjusted Salesbuilder point uploads to prevent an attempt to send if SBID is null
- Restored human readable numbers on Punchh Barcode
- Resolved issue with edited bank deposits blocking N2K updates
- Resolved issue with production items not printing when combining orders, adding production item
- Resolved issue with Prompt for Price with Quantity not recording properly to order_tax.