menu working 3
This is also associated with one of the previous suggestions. On The requirements, It would be nice to be able to group like requirements together. In my system, I have ckn dnrs. 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 25 piece. Each started out with 4 sets of requirements which were built all at one time. So those are grouped together. 3 weeks later, we had to add 2 more requirements to each of the numbers above. Those were added to the bottom of the requirement lists. We then have 25 other requirements for other items all added to the bottom. Then after 1 month, we had to add another set of requirements to the numbers above. Again, added to the bottom. So now, when I have to modify one of those, I need to go down and up the requirements list finding what I need. If I could arrange these requirements like we do for the coupon codes, like move up or move down, I could arrange them so they are together. But, If you could allow me to select the requirement from the right side of the screen instead of the left, that would make my job easier. But, being able to arrange what I have, that would be nice.