72 results found
It would be great if you can store the email address from the online ordering and then we as a restaurant can send out email blasts
It would be great if we were able to keep all the emails in one place from the online orders and be able to send an email blast with special offers and coupons..
1 voteHi Amy,
You can export the customer data with email addresses from your POS system. Check out this article to learn more. Once you have the list, you can use the e-mail system of your choice to send out marketing messages. If you prefer to have these messages go out automatically, check out our integrated loyalty system which will send e-mails to different customers based on their purchase habits.,
Thr!ve Product Team. -
Expiring Drivers insurance
I just had a driver in a accident and his insurance had expired. It would be nice if the employee login expired when their insurance card did.
1 voteHi Rod,
Thr!ve does have a feature to alert you and prevent log on when certain emlpoyee requirements are expired. Take a look at these 2 articles for more info: and
Duessa -
I should be able to kick up the delivery or pickup times and set a time that they will return to default times. Now you would have to set a timer or forget as most often happens.
1 voteHi! Thank you for the suggestion. The promise times for each order time are automatically set back to their default at the start of each daypart. You can control how you define these dayparts.
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product team. -
What is FORCAST in manager sales graph?
There is no reference to what this is. It could be last years sales for same perioed? Please post answer somewhere or make mouse over on that screen. tks
1 voteThe forecast can be controlled using the “Set Forecast” link at the bottom of the Weekly Sales and Forecast graph. You can choose to forecast based on last year’s same day, or X weeks same day sales.
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product Team -
Dispatch Wait time needs a 0 when under 10 minutes
Not a huge deal, just seems like it would be an easy fix. When a delivery is, say 5 minutes old for example, the wait time will read 0:5 rather than 0:05.
1 voteThanks! We’ve actually just fixed this in our upcoming 8.0 release which is going into beta shortly.
Duessa & the Thr!ve Product Team. -
Let Google calculate my driver mileage
Calculate actual miles traveled instead of having my drivers enter their mileage
0 votes -
Add Loyalty Member to Customer Advanced Search
Add a loyalty member field to the Advanced Search for customers. (This was suggested at the 2014 User Conference)
0 votesWe’ve added this feature in version 7_02_06-1
Income summary report needs a breakdown of order type by hour
The number of deliveries each hour is important for forcasting how many drivers we need to schedule.
0 votesHi! Thanks for the suggestion. You can get this breakdown on the Order Type by Interval report.
Duessa & Thr!ve Product Team. -
Option to view labor as sales per labor hour
We recently started setting our labor projections by using sales per labor hour rather than percents. (ex. Say you have $1000 in sales and 34 hours in labor. You would be at $29.41 per hour) It would be nice to have that on reports and be able to glance where we're at quickly rather than calculate it ourselves.
0 votesHi,
We do have a measure called Labor Productivity which I think covers what you are trying to go for. You can turn this on in Configuration > Employee > Timeclock payroll and check Labor Productivity. THen you will see this # on your labor reports.Thanks
Duessa & Thr!ve Product Team -
Add an "Available as a smart coupon" check box to coupon set up
Add a check box in coupon set up "Available as a smart coupon" to control what shows up in the Smart Coupon dialog
0 votes -
When will the count down button work again?
Hello, When will the count down on items be up and running again?
0 votes -
A dedicated screen with a map and all delivery orders pin pointed
I would like to be able to use a large flat screen with a map of our delivery area and the deliveries ready to go out pin pointed. Maybe have green ones for on time orders, red ones for deliveries running late. That way you can see at a glance what deliveries need to go out and where without having to push any buttons.
0 votesWe now have the option to set up a screen to display the “In Process” delivery map, it will automatically refresh every 30 minutes.
Duessa & Thrive Product team
- Don't see your idea?