Version 7.8.x
New Features in 7.8.0 Release
Watch a video highlighting the key updates in this version:
Internal Loyalty Points & SalesBuilder Loyalty Improvements
Read The Article Watch Video- Internal loyalty program allows customers to earn points for purchases.
- Customers can be auto enrolled or manually enrolled with a loyalty card or just phone #.
- Point formulas can allow for bonus points based on time of day, day of the week, for online orders, 1st order after enroll, and for specific items ordered.
- Points can be redeemed for $ off the order, based on a formula you set.
- Points can expire after X days.
- Points earned, Point total and Points near expiration can be printed on the customer receipt.
- Internal points are earned on online orders, but can not be redeemed online.
- Internal points can be used in conjunction with SalesBuilder to handle multiple locations or to promote item-based rewards. SalesBuilder can issue offers and send e-mails based on internal point totals (which are called PointBalance 1 in SalesBuilder).
- This also revamped the loyalty look up and enroll process for SalesBuilder users with enhanced screens and better look ups. Watch Video
Offer setting "Online Only"
Offers can now be configured for POS Only, Online Only or Both. Frontend POS offer validation will consider order source (online or POS) Added an Offer Setting: 1st online order only. (This is not yet active on theThr!ve Online side - will be soon)
Printer Settings in Options Screen
Read Article
Auto gratuity
Read Article
- Set the auto gratuity for table orders in Configuration > Order Types > Table
- Auto gratuity will appear on the ticket and be paid at server close according to the setting "Server keeps auto gratuity".
- If you wish to tax the auto gratuity, configure this in Configuration > Tax
Reprint Kitchen - option to select specific printer

Add "Print Receipt" to the dispatch screen

- This new button at the bottom of the dispatch screen lets you easily print a copy of the receipt.
- You can automatically print a new receipt at dispatch by configuring this in Order Types > Delivery > Driver Management.
- Marketing: Added some preset advanced customer search criteria to help you with common marketing queries. Navigate to Manager Home > Customer > Load Criteria button at the bottom of the screen to select from searches like "Big Spender: Ticket average > $30", "New Customer Last 30 days", "Regular: 6 or more orders in last 4 months". Once you've loaded the results, you can go to Advanced Search to modify the search to meet other criteria.
- Adjust Tips: Allow the keyboard for tip entry
- Default Orders Screen To Server's Tickets: When logged in as any job type "Eligible to be assigned tickets as a server", the orders screen will filter by that server
- Pre-Arranged Pick Ups: Enhanced Pay Later to prevent deleting pre-arranged credit cards on pickups
- Dispatch Sort: Improved Dispatch screen sorting related to custom promise times and deferred orders.
- Thr!ve Online Export: Modified the Thr!ve Online export to include corporate / local on items and offers* (This still needs to be implement on the Thr!ve Online side)
- Orders Screen Search: Enhanced Order screen date search, change to MM-DD-YYYY
- Orders Screen Sort: Enhanced Order screen to retain the sort order the user has set until that user logs out.
- Format: Changed the Order Type selection to a 2 Column Display to minimize scrolling on iPad.
- Menu Display: Enhanced menu buttons so they will not light up if an item with a different default size /style is ordered.
- Tips: Added the Large Tip Alert when tips are adjusted from orders screen
Security Enhancements: Several areas of Thr!ve were not fully enforcing security settings. This included:
- Adjust Tips security setting enforced on server status screen
- Security Setting: Recall closed ticket
- Security: Defer a saved order
- Security: Create Paid In / Out
- Security: Generate Instant Message
- Security: Access order screen
- Security: Change customer group
- Security: Modify dispatched ticket
- Security: Alter promise times
- Security: Reprint credit / Reprint ticket
- Security: Reopen Closed Ticket setting also prevents "Undo Settle"
- Security: Transfer ticket assigned / not assigned to you - resolved some issues with the 2 options.
- Resolved errors that can occur when you have a totally blank menu
- Resolved an error that displayed "Undefined" plus Lodging Name in Virtual Ticket
- Resolved issues on Last order recall with selecting individual items
- Resolved an issue that caused the "Adjust Tip" button not to appear when Orders screen is default screen
- Resolved an issue with the Reorder button on last order recall open order warning
- Resolved issue causing Reprint button to be missing on pending deferreds when subtotal disabled
- Resolved issue with the wrong IOS keyboard for area code entry in one location
- Selecting order type delivery when no customer is selected now prompts for lookup rather than blocking order
- Resolved issues with typing to search in the Company drop down
- Resolved issues with Return & Pay cash tips
- Improved process to update promise time when order type is changed to a type with a longer time.
- Resolved issue with a Max # of toppings error persisting on the order.
- Resolved issue with coupon: "Use a price for a different size" option printing as wrong size
- Resolved issue with Coupon "Detailed" Style options not exporting properly for Thr!ve Online*
- Resolved issues with some Internal Email Messages not appearing
- Resolved issue to ensure that the tender process blocks non-active credit card tender types before sending to processor.
- Resolved issues that sometimes caused a menu button that defines size to not price correctly.
- Resolved issue where 2 sets of identical requirements, 1 free, 1 upcharge, was charging for both.
- Added blocks to prevent unassign of a closed delivery order.
Version 7.8.1
- Resolved an issue where splitting an order, and then combining the tickets result in a production print regardless of print settings
- Resolved an issue where attempting to revise or split an order after doing undo settle, Partial or Greater Payment not allowed error.
- Resolved issues running Tax summary report for long periods ~> 28 days due to memory limit
- Resolved issue where "TicketStream Cannot be reached" message appears on Instant Message when site not configured to use TicketSTream
- Resolved issues printing Driver Delivery Run from dispatch screen
- Resolved a Divide by Zero error with loyalty when redeem points and/or spend dollar are set to zero
- Resolved issues printing Tax name on receipts using "individual tax lines":
- Resolved issue with messages not persisting on Last order recall orders.
- Auto Gratuity Remove - added the ability to remove the Auto Gratuity and have it stay removed.
- Added the ability to sync historical data to TicketStream
- Added data to track which Online ordering integration an order came from.
- Changed Thr!ve online printing for labels, credit cards to ensure they do not double print.
Version 7.8.2
- Resolved issues with Online pickup orders closing to proper cash location.
- Resolved issues with Pick up order, voided tender, cancel and clear / retender workflow.
- Resolved issues with certain Item level discounts not printing
- Resolved issues where Credit receipts print where the order was taken, not based on the station it was closed on.
- Resolved issues with "Age Verification" option not printing on receipt
- Resolved issues with Day part sales sending every 30 minutes
- Resolved issues with Subtotals not printing on customer receipt
TicketStream is our cloud-based reporting engine used for API access to POS data.
- Added Category ID and Name to Order Feed Item Section
- Added more data feeds to the historical TicketSTream data update option
- Added a data feed event when a ticket is Assigned / Dispatched
- Added revenue center to order feed item section
- Added job type department code to timeclock feed.
Version 7.8.3
- Resolved issue with Register Close Tips not counting 2 of same tender type on 1 order
- Resolved issue with Time sensitive coupons falling off split tickets if split is after the time of coupon
- Resolved issue with revised promise times not being honored on individual tickets
- Resolved order date issues with TicketStream Orders API
- Made improvements to avoid duplicate delivery dispatch assignments (from multiple stations or when clicking fast)
- Resolved an error in TicketStream that can occur if clock-off is prevented.
- Update TicketStream dispatch record for Unassign
- Made improvements to automatic back up processes
Version 7.8.4
- Resolved an issue loading and saving proper settings in order Types > Table configuration area.
- Resolved an issue using Display Name for production printing not printing all item names.
Version 7.8.5
- Resolved issue with order total Barcode incorrect for orders over $100
- Resolved issue with Online orders not reporting on Store Summary (Thr!ve Online)
- Resolved issues with drivers being clocked out 24 hours into the future during shift close
- Added Transaction lock feature which prevents recalling orders from multiple stations simultaneously.
Version 7.8.6
- Resolved issues with exporting delivery fees to TOL when mutiple store_ids exist
- Resolved issues with driver sort using Return & Pay
- Improved Transaction lock function for split tickets
- Added informational message to Transaction lock about what station locked the transaction.
- Resolved issues with export to thrive online errors with plu numbers that have exceeded int limit
- Resolved issue with modifying a deferred delivery order (paid to credit) won't allow pay to previous tender
- Resolved issue with customers LG orders being submitted with SBID 0
- Resolved issues with Duplicate ticket numbers being created with online orders
Version 7.8.7
- Improvements to CMM (Central Menu Management) including:
- CMM option to update Dept/ Cat /Item without sending price data
- Make PLU # Visible and editable on requirements page
- Resolve CMM problems sending category_default_style table
- Other technical improvements.
- Resolved issues with applied customer offers showing when not enrolled in loyalty.
- Resolved printing issues with Fractional Pizza with specialty as base, prints overall next to first half
- Resolved issues with modifiers and suggestive sell sections sending to TOL w/o save
- Resolved issue with Check/Uncheck Master Store immediately sends to TOL without saving
- Resolved issue saving a coupon description with punctuation
- Resolved issues with House Account delivery order ticket # null on house account reports.
- Resolved issues with timeclock receipt is not including declared tips
- Resolved errors running Menu Item Performance Report
- Resolved issues with deposit slip not printing when Diner's tender type, Store name with Apostrophe
- Resolved issues with deferred CC slips not printing print at time of order (When CC processes immediately)
- Resolved issues with Thrive menu failing to load when relational menu button details are missing.
- Resolved issues that can occur if there are duplicate menu buttons in the same menu grid position.
- Resolved issue with driver close not transferring 'other tenders' to close location if tender has not be previously used in that location.
- Resolved issue with Ticket # stuck on 1 when deferred lead time is > 24 hours
- Adjusted excessive logging for TicketStream
Version 7.8.8
- Resolved issues with Adjust Tips on Driver Status causing shorts on credit card end of day deposit.
- Resolved issues with Adjust tips for Server adds to Tips Retained
- Resolved issues with duplicate ticket numbers with online orders
- Resolved issue with Item time stamps not retained on combined tickets, which can cause happy hour offer issues
- Resolved issues with combined tickets that can close to the wrong cash location
- Resolved issues with Multiple Pricing Schemes - Category & Item Pricing screens.
- Resolved issues Server Close Shift Not Available on Server report for prior shifts
- Resolved issues with SalesBuilder Test Connection getting "No valid XML received"
- Resolved issue with CMM showing errors about missing deptId when sending category and/or items
- Resolved issue with split tickets inflating total # of people reporting
- Resolved issue with other printer ticket settings related to deferred orders, making visible for Thr!ve users.
- Resolved issue with Copy Category and make sure that it does not duplicate PLU#s.
- Modified Customer Loyalty configuration so that unchecking Loyalty option disables external loyalty as well.
- Resolved issue with Promise times not printing on tickets.
Version 7.8.9
- Resolved issues with the CMM Item Compare report,showing "0" instead of the usual "Local" in item description
- Resolved issue with Copy Category not incrementing local_max_plu table.
- Resolved issue with Server close report is not printing/posting.
Version 7.8.10
- Resolved issue with Server close printed slip is not including Server Cash
Version 7.8.11
- Modified configurations to support TLS 1.2 commmunications to Open Edge Payments.
- Enhanced Item List to add "Show Excluded Modifiers" as an override option on item tree.
- Resolved issues with the Sales by Daypart report missing some categories
- Resolved issue with Adding employees, with birthday defined, complains about being a minor
- Resolved issue with Manage Customers Search not displaying total orders / order $ / last order date
- Resolved error at register close that can occur if drawer transfer settings are not set
- Resolved issue with Item Sales Report over reports on some fractional orders (same base item on both halves)
- Resolved issue with Item Sales Report over reporting topping item when ordered as a base item x2
- Resolved issues with the Export to XML function
Version 7.8.12
- Added page up / down buttons to bottom of Virtual Ticket to facilitate scrolling.
- Added Split button on tender screen to allow even splits of tenders on ticket. Will prompt for change due and open drawer between each tender. See Article / Video
- Added the KPS Screen "Show entire ticket" setting
- Resolved issues with Deferred orders with split credit payments
- Resolved issues with % Discount not honoring max value of the offer unless there are items specified
- Resolved issues with CMM Requirements & Inclusion deleting requirement_element or giving false error
- Enhanced Combined tickets to add # of people totals
- Resolved issues with Coupon topping count requirement not counting a topping x2 as valid
- Resolved issues processing certain Tip adjustments on gift cards
- Resolved issues with random N2K export failures.
Version 7.8.13
- Resolved issue with Inclusion/Requirement setup screen going blank when using Firefox if a requirement exists without a PLU#
- Resolved display of decimal issue with gift card tip adjustment dialog
- Resolved issues with Label printing of quantity of requirements, order date
- Resolved some issues with local items and cateogry/departmetn tax for CMM
Version 7.8.14
- Resolved issues with x2 topping pricing in some scenarios.
- Updated server image for fingerprint reader drivers
- Resolved issues with Offsite backups sometimes hanging
Version 7.8.15
- Coupon: Max value of the offer is limiting multiple applications of the coupon
- Resolved workstation services issues related to fingerprint driver update
Version 7.8.16
- Resolved issues that caused Item Sales report overages for combined tickets
- Resolved issues with the "Drivers Overdue from Delivery" Alert, created enhanced report of driver data.
- Resolved issues with tip adjust on gift cards, when balance is not sufficient to cover tip, will now adjust tip back to the proper amount (or 0.00)
- Void warning on combined tickets
- Resolved issues with the iOS 11 iPad app menu scroll function
- Resolved issue where saving with no changes on Adjust Tips (closed delivery tip) can disassociate tip from driver close & remove from register report.
- Resolved issue with KPS displaying long decimal places on split items
- Resolved issue with End of Day / Daily Notes "Close" giving an error warning.
- Resolved issue with Restroom service alert not appearing on manager home.
Version 7.8.17
- Resolved issues with deferred orders reporting on Late Delivery report.
- Resolved issues with saving tips on split tenders.
Version 7.8.18
- No relevant features
Version 7.8.19
- Resolved errors related to date formats on some Manager Alerts
- Resolved issue with some items showing as "!No!!" on KPS inappropriately.
Version 7.8.20
- Resolved issues with tip payouts.
Version 7.8.21
- Resolved issues with Deferred Order List Reprint All function
Version 7.8.22
- Released version to Gold "Release" code repository, this version switches all "Beta" users to be back on "Release" for auto download.
Version 7.8.23
- Resolved a problem with Manager Home Widgets add/remove not saving.
- Resolved an issue with the Split Tender process deducting change from multiple tender types, resulting in overages.
- Resolved an issue to make the Payroll Export button visible when appropriate
- Resolved an issue with saving the Inventory inclusion usage screen.
- Resolved an issue with the CMM Update Item button in PLU Compare result screen.
Version 7.8.24
- Resolved issues with CMM duplicating offers
- Enhanced XML export for N2K is to list requirement/modifier quantities separately for N2K to use
- Resolved a Manager Alert fatal error on Sunday with some configurations.
- Removed license check which can prevent deferred order credit card transactions from saving if license is invalid.
- Resolved issues with certain timeclock edits
- Resolved issue closing overtime alert pop up from Manager home.
- Improved report modal pop ups to remain anchored to top of screen and to retain report position when closed.
Version 7.8.25
- Reports: Active employee List "Clear All" button should not remove the default value "All"
Version 7.8.26
- Resolved issues with LG/OLO not rejecting orders when generic "Error" is received from Mercury.
- Resolved issues with credit card receipt not printing signature when obtained from the Dr!ve app.
- Resolved issues with the Deferred Orders Manager Alert not displaying in Manager Home
- Resolved issues with Formatting/display problems on credit card batch printed summary.
- Resolved issues with Let's Get / OLO not properly printing a credit card receipt
- Made some improvements to logging and log clean up.