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Pay An Order With Evenly Split Tenders

For a quick way to split a ticket evenly when multiple customers wish to share payment, use the SPLIT button at the bottom of the tender screen.

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To use the SPLIT feature, ring up an order as normal and press Finish to pay.  Press the SPLIT button. 

A screen will allow you to enter the # of splits.  If you have 3 people who want to split the check evenly, enter 3. 

What if you don't want to split evenly?  Just enter the specific amounts you wish to tender (Multiple Tenders) or use the Split Ticket feature to select individual items for each customer and create separate tickets. 

Press Save Split to continue splitting payment 3 ways. 

Now, you'll see that the top of the tender screen reflects the partial payment amount - in this case 1 of 3 payments. 

Enter the tender amount and tender type for the 1st payment.  If you are entering a cash payment, you can enter a higher amount and give change.  Press PAY to complete the 1st payment. At this time the cash drawer will open (if configured to do so for this tender type) and any change due will be displayed.      

NOTE: Receipts and credit card slips will not print until all tenders are completed. 

Once the first amount is tendered, you'll see that the tender screen shows that tender in grey, as it can not be altered, and the upper left section shows that you are working on ticket 2 of 3. 

Continue to tender and pay until all amounts are tendered.   On the final split amount, the system will process the order, print receipts, and close the tender screen. 

If you press Cancel or Pay Later during the process, all tenders will be voided. 

If you wish to cancel the split process, even after you've tendered a portion, press the SPLIT button again and select Cancel Split.  This will combine the remaining amounts back into 1 total and you can finish cashing out the order as a Multiple Tender type ticket. 

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