Order Screen Overview

The top of the screen contains the following quick buttons.

- Takes you to the home screen.
- Current Date and Time
- Allows you to log out.
- Allows you to create and send a new instant message.
- Takes you to Customer Look up
- (Highlighted) Orders Screen
- Takes you directly to the menu screen.
- Takes you to the table layout screen
- Takes you directly to the disptach/delivery screen.
- Opens the help widget that contains help articles, videos.
You can search for your order quickly by order type and/or by order status. For a more in-depth search you can select the start and end dates. The red X clears out your current search.

You can also search by which server took the order, a specific ticket #, and/or a specific table/tent #.

Tip: The orders screen automatically filters to your orders, if you are considered a "server" (Job type = eligible to be assigned tickets as a server). (as of version 7.8). To see all tickets, change the Server field to ALL
If you need a more advanced search you can click on the green + to bring up the advanced search box.

The results screen displays the orders that have been placed.

Tip: Sort by any column header. Your sort will remain in place until you log out. (version 7.8.0 and above)
- The ticket number: You can click on the number and the ticket will load in the menu screen.
- Customer Info: If a customer attached to a order their name and phone # will appear here.
- Status: This displays the order's current status.
- Order Date: Displays the date the order was taken.
- Server: Displays the employee that was signed into the station and took the order.
- Total: Displays the order's total. If you click on the total; a review of the ticket will appear. From this review you have the ability to load the ticket, view the ticket's history, email the receipt to the customer, or unsettle the ticket.

8. Since Ordered: Displays how long it was been since the order has been completed.
9. Map: If a customer is attached to the order and they have an address listed in their profile, you can click the map button and it will display a Google map of their area.
Use the arrow next to the customer name to expand data on certain tickets. For example, for this delivery ticket we can expand to see the address (this feature included as of Thr!ve version 8.0):
9. Map: If a customer is attached to the order and they have an address listed in their profile, you can click the map button and it will display a Google map of their area.
Use the arrow next to the customer name to expand data on certain tickets. For example, for this delivery ticket we can expand to see the address (this feature included as of Thr!ve version 8.0):

For pickup orders that have already been paid for, you can easily close them without recalling them. Just click on the green arrow and choose "Close & Receipt" or "Close No Receipt".

You can adjust tips, settle tickets, and manager your server from this screen as well.

- Adjust Tips: Allows you to adjust tips on a ticket. Click on the ticket and then the Adjust Tips button and you will be able to edit the tips. Learn More
- Re-print: Allows you to click on any ticket and reprint the ticket to any printer location.
- Server Status: Allows you to view the server's status and manage various server functions. To read more click here.
Tip: This feature is only available if you have server banking turned on in Config > Order Types > Table. - Settle: Allows you to settle a ticket from the orders screen. Learn more
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