Add A Tip Via The Order Screen
This can be done to reflect tips added to a credit card slip by the customer, or to add a tip prior to presenting the check to the customer (i.e. for a large party gratuity)
To do this navigate to the orders screen.

Locate the order you wish to add the tip to by searching for it. Once you have located it click on the order to highlight and then click on "Adjust TIps."

Adding A Flat Tip Rate:
You can add a flat rate tip. For example they want to add a $1.00 tip.
This can be done by typing in 1.00 into the number pad and click on "Enter."

The screen will refresh and reflect the new total with the tip.

Adding A % Tip:
Some customers wish to pay a tip based off the percentage of the order total. This can be done by clicking on the "% Tip " button. A popup will appear asking you to add the percentage you'd like to add. Enter the amount and then click the "Submit" button.

1% will be added to the tip total on the number pad. Click Enter.

The screen will refresh and reflect the new total with the tip.