Assign Cash: Assign A Register / Drawer
When a drawer is assigned, that employee is the only one who can close orders to that drawer (except for managers with security to override register assignments). The employee will not be able to clock off without closing the drawer or being unassigned. Closing the drawer will automatically unassign the register.
You can assign more than one employee to a drawer at at time, but that will make it more difficult to hold them responsible for the drawer balance.
Assigning a Drawer
To assign a drawer, navigate to Manager Home > Cash > Assign Cash.

Select the location you wish to assign from the drop down.
The current balance for that drawer will appear in the "Amount" field. It is read only in this screen. If you wish to add more to the drawer you can perform a transfer. If you wish to reset the balance, reconcile the drawer.

Select the person you wish to assign this cash location to. (You can only assign to employees that are currently clocked in.)
Click Save & New or Save & Next to complete the assignment.
When the save is complete, you will be taken back to the Register and Cash screen and the assignment will display.

Assigned Drawer in POS
Tip: We recommend that you use version 7.7.0 or higher to enjoy all components of this feature.
Once the drawer is assigned, you'll see the assignment details in the POS at the top of the register screen.

The assigned employee can perform transactions into this drawer, as can any employee who has the security right to "Override register assignments" (Configuration > Security)

If an employee who is not authorized to use the drawer tries to finish a transaction, a Manager Override will appear. The assigned employee, or anyone with security access, can authorize the transaction.

Unassign A Drawer
A drawer can be unassigned in 2 ways.
1. Close and reconcile the drawer. The employee will automatically be reassigned.
2. Unassign the employee from Manager Home > Cash. Click on the employee's name in the "Assigned To" Column and a confirmation pop up will appear.

Require Register Assignment
You can set a drawer to require assignment, so that no one can take an order if it is not assigned to an employee.
To do this, navigate to Configuration > General > Station Device. Select the station and the drawer.

Click the "Requires Assignment" checkbox.
Now, if the register is not assigned, you'll see that displayed at the top of the register screen. If any employee who is not security authorized to override register assignments tries to take an order, a Manager Override will appear.

Use the Register Assign feature to better control cash and limit access to your registers!
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