Mapping Customer Data using Google Maps
Selecting Customer Data:
Navigate to Manager Home > Customer and use the search features to select the customers you want. In this example, I'm mapping new customers for the last 30 days. Use the Advanced Search button and select the criteria you want. Read More about how to use Advanced Search.
Once you have a list of customers, click Output List and choose "Export Mailing Info to .csv". Check the bottom two checkboxes to make sure you get all the data. Read More about the Output List function towards the end of this article. Choose the option to open in Excel.
Combining Address Data:
Google maps the data best when the address information is all in one field, but your export will have it split out into separate columns. It's easy to combine these columns into 1 in Excel if you have basic Excel knowledge.- Add a column in front of "Street #" called "Full Address"
- In this column, we'll enter a formula to combine all the related address columns, with spaces between them. This formula looks confusing but it really is just Street # & Street Name & City & State & Zip. Use the column letters instead of the field names. In between each column we use &" "& to indicate that you want a space.

- Put the formula in the first row of the Full Address column and copy it down all the other rows.
- Save your spreadsheet (keep it as a .csv file)
Mapping The Data:
Now we will import the data into Google maps. - Navigate to Google maps ( If you have a Google account, sign in so you can save your map.
- Click on the Menu (3 bars to the left of the search)

Select "Your Places"

- Click on the "MAPS" link and at the bottom of the screen click on "Create Map"

- Click on the "Import' below "untitled layer"

- Select the column "Full Address" for Google to map on.

- Select a column to label with, perhaps Last Name.

- After Google processes your data, your map results will appear

- On this map, I added a marker for the restaurant location in red.
Advanced Tips:
Google gives you the ability to color the markers different based on certain criteria in your data. Check out the Uniform Style option. If you export "Customer Details" instead of just mailing information, you will have additional data fields that you can experiment with, such as total orders and total $ spent.

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