Customer Advanced Search
Start by navigating to Manager Home > Customer. Click on the "Advanced Search" button.

The Advanced Search screen will appear:

This screen can look a bit overwhelming, so lets just review it a bit at a time.
Each line is a filter you can use to select certain customers. To activate that line, use the drop down on the left.

Use "AND" to limit your search to customers who meet that criteria. Use "OR" to allow customers who meet one or more criteria, and use "NOT" to exclude customers who meet that criteria. Set it back to --- if you don't want to use that line.
Let's review the top section of criteria:

Here you can search for customers based on:
- Balance: This refers to house account balance.
- Point Balance: This refers to internal loyalty points (not SalesBuilder points)
- Loyalty Customer: Is the customer identified as a loyalty customer (internal or SalesBuilder)
- Eligible for Checks: Is the eligible for checks box marked for this customer
- Wrong Address Flag Checked: Is the "wrong address" flag marked for this customer (in Manage Customer area)
- Have e-mail address: Does this customer have an email address
- Customers w/Mobile Opt In: This field is not used in Thr!ve
- Customers w/ No Phone #
- Customesr w/No Address
- Birthday Between: Enter a range of month/date for birthdays, if you enter any birthdays in the POS. If you use SalesBuilder, search there for birthdays instead.
- Belong to: Select a customer group, if you use the group feature.

- Total # of orders: Search for total # of orders over entire history or for a time period. Include all order types or selected types.
- First order: Search for customers whose first order was during the time period (new customers)
- Last Order: Search for customers whose most recent order was during the time period (lapsed customers)
- Total $ Spent: Search for customers based on spending over entire history or a time period. Include all order types or selected types.

I've activated the "Total # of orders" criteria, set it to 0, and selected the time frame between 90 days ago and today. I've selected all order types. Click 'Search' to see the results.
Note: You could also accomplish this result by selecting Last order date before 90 days ago.
Now, I'd like to limit my results to only those customers who have spent more than $300 in the past.

I've activated the "Total $ Spent" criteria and set it to > $300 over entire history. Click Search again to see the results.
Now lets look at the bottom section of criteria.

- Ticket Average: Enter a $ amount
- Total # of Voids: Enter a quantity of tickets and a time frame. This is useful for identifying customers who are chronically unhappy. You can also limit this to order voids or item voids and even look for specific void reasons.
- Ordered during breakfast, lunch or dinner. Use this to introduce your lunch crowd to your family dinner specials.
- Ordered the following Items. Select the Items box to specify individual items or categories. For example, if you have frequent customers that have never ordered a dessert, you may want to find this list then offer a credit for 50% off a dessert to encourage them to try one. Maybe they will find a new favorite that they will regularly order in the future.
- % of orders using a special pricing offer. Enter a %. This could be 0, if you want customers who never use a coupon, or >75%, if you want to find customers that are driven by coupons. You can click the "Offers" button to specify an individual coupon, so if you want to find people that like your "Free Wings with a XL Pizza" offer, so you can send it to them again, you've got the power to do so here. You can also check general offer types to analyze.
- Ordered online: Select customers who have or have not placed an online order.
Tip: Remember the advanced search criteria are used in conjunction with the basic search on the main page, so if you want to limit to business customers or a particular zone, you can do that.
Notice the red bar at the top of the search results tells you the # of customers that meet the criteria you've specified. The advanced search button appears in green text to indicate that you've got some advanced filtering in place.

Output List
Once you've found your results, you may want to export the data to use in a mailing, emailing or telephone campaign. Click the Output List button at the bottom of the screen.

- Export mailing info to .csv: Creates a file with just address fields
- Export detailed info to .csv: Creates a file with all fields
- Print mailing labels: Generates Avery 5160 formatted mailing labels for printing
- Print Report: Generates a printable report of what you see on the screen
- Export e-mail addresses: Generates a list of email address separated by semicolon or comma. You can easily copy / paste this in to your email client. (If you are sending a large quantity of emails, its best to use an approved mass email system like SalesBuilder)
- Delete All: Allows you to delete customers
- Include no mail list customers - By default, any customer who is not opted-in for marketing mailings will not be included in the output. Check this box to include your entire results list.
- Include wrong address customers - By default, any customer who has an incomplete address will not be included in the outuput. Check this box to include your entire results list.

Tip: If you have problems opening the file in Excel, read this tip!
Saving and Loading Criteria
Once you've set up your advanced search, you can reuse it over and over again with the "Save Criteria" option.
Click "Save Criteria"

Give your search a name and click save.
Tip: If you have dates in your search, it's best to use the drop downs for "30 days / 90 days" etc rather than a specific date. That way the search will be relevant in the future.
When you return to the customer screen and want to run your search again, click on the "Load Criteria" option.

Select the search you wish to load and click the "Load" button. The search will be run with current data. You can also delete criteria from this area.
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