Settle A Ticket Via The Table Screen
In Thr!ve, any order type which is configured to "Show in server details" (Configuration > Order Types) can be settled rather than closed at a register. However, the settle feature is only available if server banking is activated (Configuration > Order types > Table).
To settle a ticket navigate to the Table Screen.

Click on the table that wishes to settle (pay) their ticket. The ticket will appear in the virtual ticket section of the screen and a list of options will appear at the bottom of the screen > Click on "Settle".

Once you click on the "Settle" button the tender screen will appear. Here you can pay out the ticket and click "Settle"

The screen will refresh and the customer icons will be cleared from the table, however there will still be a icon visible indicating that the table has been paid but is not available yet. The icon will stay there until you "Clear" the table. This is because some customers will pay their tab; however they may not leave the table immediately after paying. This icon let's you know that the table has paid but still occupied and will be ready soon.
(If you wish to skip the "Clear" step, you can configure the system to "Auto clear after settle". (Configuration > Order Types > Table)

The ticket will now be in settled status in the orders screen.

The money for this ticket has not been added to the register. You must complete a server close to close the ticket and transfer the tenders.
If you need to unsettle the ticket you can easily do this by going to the order screen > Find the ticket > Click on the total amount > Click on Unsettle in the full review screen.

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