Store Summary Report Overview
To get to the Store Summary Report, navigate to Manager Home > Reports > Store Summary Report. > Select the date you wish to run the report for > Click Generate.
Tip: Customize the Store Summary report to see just what you are interested in. Read More about that here.

The report will generate and appear below.

If you wish to learn more specifically about the cash management / order totals you can read the Understanding Cash Management article.
Tip: Each highlighted line in the sections is a hyperlink that will take you directly to the report for that topic.
Order Totals:

This section displays a nice summary of your key sales numbers.
Net Order Totals:

This section is an alternate way to look at key sales numbers and the amount you should expect to have on hand.
Overall Balances:

This section is a good snapshot of the money coming in and out of your establishment. This column shows the amount of money you started out with in the morning. After all cash, credit, paid in/out's etc are accounted for, the ending balance should be the same as the starting balance if all the drawers are starting with the same amount the next day. If the balance is unusually high or differs from your actual deposit, it could be because a deposit has not been made in some time.
Paid In/Out:

This section displays how many paid ins and paid outs that were performed during this day.
Click here to learn more about Paid In/Out.
Sales By Order Type:

This section breaks down how many orders were placed during the day per order type. If you have an order type that has been deactivated; it will not display here. This is reporting "Net Sales" (after discount, does not include tax or gift cards sold)
Below the order type breakdown you may see Catering Sales vs Non Catering Sales. Any order that has an item with the word "cater" in its name is counted in catering sales. Learn more.

Breaks down how many hours your employees have been logged in collectively for the day, how much overtime was accrued, and how much it is costing the store. Labor % is typically calculated on net sales, unless you've configured it for gross sales.
If you see "With x% employer cost" below the total labor %, you've added an additional % in Config > Employees > Timeclock & Payroll.

You can activate a column for Labor Productivity (Net Sales vs. Total Hours) by checking a box in Config > Employees > Timeclock & Payroll.
You can also show a 2nd line of "Pure Labor" which excludes certain job types from the calculations. Learn More about that here.
Best practices would suggest that your "Total Labor %" should be under your goal typically in the 27-35% range depending on your concept. If your labor % is too high it would be a good idea to send an employee home or on break.
Table Service:

If you are using table service; and enter in how many people are sitting at a table each time an order is placed, this section will break down how many people you've served, and the averages for those tickets.
Daypart Sales:

This is a great way to quickly see what time of day most of your sales are coming from.
Click here to learn more about Daypart Hours.
Online Orders:

If you have integrated online ordering, here you'll see a total of your online sales and your online ticket average.
Sales By Department - Gross & Net:
Breaks down the sales by department and order type. For example $30.00 in wings were sold via a delivery order. You can view this by gross totals or net (after discount) totals.

Tip: This section can be customized. Beyond including or excluding certain departments, you can create custom "groups" so that you can easily track key items regardless of what department they are in. For example, perhaps you want to track all vegetarian items in one group, and all chicken-based items in another. Scroll down further to learn how to set up these groups. Keep in mind that because items can be removed from this report, or added to more than 1 group, the totals may not match your total item sales.
Sales By Stations:

Breaks down all the sales for the day by which station they were taken at..

Breaks down all types of voids that were performed during the day.
Click here to learn more about the different types of voids that can be done.

IF you do delivery, this breaks down the details of the day's deliveries; such as how many orders were delivered, fees, delivery times, etc.
Delivery tax is specifically tax on delivery fees.
Free Delivery refers to the use of a coupon which is configured to make delivery free (not deliveries which never had a delivery fee)
Average Rack Time: This is tracked using the optional Kitchen Production System, which can determine when an order is "bumped" in the kitchen and compare that to when it is dispatched.
Average Dispatch to Arrival Time: This is tracked using the optional Dr!ve app, which can record actual arrival time at the customer's house.
Late Plus 5 orders: Indicates any order which was dispatched more than 5 minutes later than it should be to achieve its promise time.
Special Offers:

Breaks down how many special offers have been applied throughout the day.
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