Basic Buttons
Navigate to Configuration > Menu > The new tab

A grid of available spaces will appear. Click on an open square to start creating your first button. Once you click on a square a new set of options will appear on the right side of the screen.

Types of buttons:
- Label: Text box, mainly used for organization.
- Item: Menu items. This is the most commonly used button.
- Message: Item or Ticket messages.
- Offer: For special offers such as coupons.
- Size: Buttons for different sizes such as Small, Medium, Large, also used for Styles such as crust type.
- Invisible: An invisible button as a place holder that has no functionality - not necessary to use.
- Tender: A button that allows you to quickly cash out. (Creating A Menu - Tender Buttons)
- Menu Link: Allows to quickly navigate to a different menu.
(Creating A Menu - Menu Link Buttons)
- Function: A button that ties to a particular function such as opening a drawer or entering a code. (Creating A Menu - Menu Function Buttons)
- Item Search: The button will pull up a search screen that can be tied to a category. Useful if you do not want to configure a button for every item in a category.

- Text Color: Set the color of the text on the button.
- Text Style: Text can be Normal, Bold, Italic, or underlined.
- Graphic File: Can choose an optional picture from the graphics provided. Note: If you want to add custom graphics to your menu, you must load them onto your server first.
- Item Options: Select Browse, then select the item.

- Button Name: Defaults to the item name, but you can change it.
- Size: Choose the size of the button. The small button takes 1 grid square, Large takes 2 vertically, wide takes 2 horizontally, and XL takes 4.
- Button Color: Choose the background color of the button.
- Define Size/Style: If you would like to default a particular size or style when this item is ordered, select it here.

- Link Menu: Automatically links to another menu tab when this item is ordered. For example if you order a pizza you will be taken to the modifier screen to modify the pizza.

You can break the link to a menu by clicking clear.
Once your button is setup click OK and then Update Now to save your changes.
Tip: Update Later will save your changes, but not publish them to the POS menu yet. You can come back later to finish updating or "Revert" to get back to the published POS menu.

Here is an example of a button once it has been programmed.

At the bottom of the screen there are a few options to help configure/navigate your menu.
- Up/Down: If you have more tabs than what will fit on the screen you can use the up/down buttons to view tabs.
- Copy/Paste: If you want to copy a button just click on a button > Click Copy > Click the empty area of the menu you want to place the new button > Click paste.
- Swap: You can move a button from one area to another by clicking on the button > Click Swap > A popup will ask if you want to swap > Click OK > Click the button or area you want to place the button. The button will move to that new area.
- Clear: If you want to remove a button from the menu clicking the button > Click Clear, the button will remove.
Warning: If you do not have a button selected then it will assume you want to remove the entire menu. A popup will ask, if you click OK the entire menu will be deleted.
To save time you can create multiple buttons at once. Learn how by reading Creating A Menu - Multiple Buttons