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Menu Link Buttons

We covered all the button types in Creating A Menu - Basic Buttons, however we would like to elaborate on the menu link button type. A menu link is a button that link to another menu tab, usually it is for a modifier menu. You will want to create two buttons. One in the menu you're working in; that will take you to a different screen, and one that will return you to the screen you were originally in.

Navigate to Configuration > Menus > Choose the menu tab you want to start in. Typically you would chose a main item screen such as Pizza > Select an available space you want to place the button > Select menu link from the button type drop down. A button will appear and a new set of options will appear.

  • Text Color: Select the text color you want.
  • Text Style: Chose the style. Can be Normal, Bold, Italic, or Underlined.
  • Graphic File: You can select a picture to display on the button.
  • Link Menu: Select where you want the button to link to by clicking on List and choosing a menu.
    Example: This button is on the Pizza menu so you would want it to link to the Pizza Toppings menu.

  • Button Name: Give your button a name. It's best to make the name obvious to what it does.
    Example: Additional Toppings
  • Size: Select the size of the button.
  • Button Color: Select the color of the button.

Click OK and Update Now to save your changes.
When this button is clicked the user will be taken to the pizza toppings menu. Now we need to make another button in the pizza toppings menu that will return the user back to the pizza menu by following the steps above and linking it to the pizza menu.

Save your changes when you're done by clicking OK and Update Now. 

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