Setting Up Departments
To set up your Departments navigate to Configuration > Items
(If you're starting from scratch your list will be blank)

Click Add to create a department. You will be taken to a new screen to define your department.
We covered PLU in the Taxes article, so if you have one enter it in here as well. Don't worry if you don't have one - the system will assign one for you.
Check the "Corporate" box if you are building a master menu that may be used by many locations.
You can allow fractional orders and configure those fractions by clicking on the fractions button.
Tip: If you do not know about fractions just yet you can read about them in the Setting Up Fractions article. For now you should stick with setting up your departments and come back to fractions.
Let's start by adding Pizza into the Department Name

The other names will auto populate based off the Department Name.
Click Active Department and then Save your changes.
Once you have saved, you will need to define your sizes.

You will be taken to a new screen. You will want to enter in the sizes of your pizza on each line.
Tip: It is always best to do the sizes first because if you add a new size to a department after all the items have been entered you must go back and set the price for that size for each item.
Type in the Abbreviated name (like SM,MD,LG, XL), the display name, then put in a description as well, this can be how many slices, the size in Inches, or just the name. This description may appear online, so it's good to explain to your customers what they can expect for that size.At the top of the size column you'll see the word Print & a check box after it. This controls whether the actual word "size" prints on the ticket (so you'll see Large Size if it's checked, vs just Large)

Check the "Default" box if you'd like all items in this department to default to that size.
Check the "Not Available Online" box if a particular size is not available for online orders. This is usually relevant for Fountain Drinks, for example.
Once you have entered in all the sizes for this department you can also add additional style options by moving over to a new column. Styles should be set up for any characteristic that is required for every item in that department. For example, if you are setting up pizzas, you may use Crust as a style, if you are setting up sandwiches you may wish to set up bread as a style.
For this example we will name the column Crust. Select the Print check box if you want it to display the column name on the receipt and virtual ticket. The sames steps above for sizes applies to this new column for crust.

Continue on to the next column if there is another style you need to enter (this is rare). If not click on Save & Close. This will take you back to the Department screen where you will then associate taxes to these items by clicking on Taxes.

Select the tax structure(s) that you want to associate this department to from the "Available Tax Structures" menu > click on the double arrows to move it to the "Selected Tax Structures" menu.
Save your changes. Your department will now be linked to that tax structure from here on out and all items in the department will default to these settings. You can always override individual items if necessary.

At the top of this screen you'll see some special tax options:
Non Taxable - if set to yes, this item will be reported as a non-taxable item. This can be accomplished by simply not associating a tax structure, but for reporting purposes it is more accurate to mark as Non Taxable.
Tax Included in Price - If set to yes, the price you define for the item will include the tax.
Example: If your item price is $5.00, and it has a tax rate of 9%, the customer will be charged $5.00 total. The sale will be recorded as $4.59 and the tax as $.41. This is useful in bars, quick service and other situations where you want to reduce change due.
Repeat these steps for the rest of the departments you want to add. Example: Sandwiches, Drinks, Buffet, Salads.
Tip: If you're starting from scratch, the next article you will want to read is Setting Up Fractions.
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