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Setting Up Fractions

Before you set up your fractions, you should first make sure that you have your departments in place. If you have not yet set up your departments please read the Setting Up Departments article in the Managing Your Menu section.

To set up your fractions navigate to Configuration > Items > Find the department you want to configure fractions in and click on it > Click the Edit button.

You will be taken to the department edit screen. From there check the box to "Allow Fractional Orders."

Once you click on the "Configure" button a 2nd screen will appear. This is where you can dictate your fractions for this department.

The top portion dictates how fractions interact with pricing.
  • Use the price of the most expensive fraction: If a customer orders half of one pizza and half of another, they will be charged the full price of the most expensive of the two.
    Example:  If a combo is $15.99 and a cheese is $12.99, they will be charged $15.99
  • Use the average price of the fractions: If a customer orders half of one pizza and half of another, they will be charged the average of the two.
    Example: If a combo is $15.99 and a cheese is $12.99, they will be charged $14.49.
  • Exclude size:  Allows you to specify which sizes cannot be ordered as a fraction. 
  • Example: Customer wants a small pizza with half cheese and half pepperoni. You can exclude the small and make them order a medium if they want to fraction. 
  • Fractional Type: Allows for you to control which fractions you want to allow - 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4.

Save your changes and the box will disappear and you will be taken back to the Department screen. Make sure you save your changes on that screen as well.

Repeat these steps for all departments you want to include fractions in.

Tip: If you're starting from scratch, the next article you will want to read is Setting Up Categories.

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