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Using the External SalesBuilder Loyalty Program (v 7.8 and higher)

If your POS system is integrated with Thr!ve Loyalty (also called SalesBuilder), you have a powerful tool to communicate with and reward customers.   This article will cover everything you need to know about working with loyalty customers.   To learn more about configuring your loyalty program within the POS,read this article.    To learn more about using SalesBuilder to e-mail, text message and reward your customers, check out the loyalty help center.

Watch a video on this integration:

Note: This version of the article refers to changes in the user interface implemented in version 7.8.0.  If you are using an earlier version, check out the 7.7.0 and lower article.

Enrolling Customers in the Loyalty Program

You have two ways to enroll a customer in the loyalty program -- from Customer Lookup or from the Tender Screen.

Tender Screen Enroll
To enroll a customer from the tender screen, take an order as normal and select finish.
Before you complete payment on the order, touch the "Loyalty" button on the tender screen.

The loyalty search screen will appear:

You can enter any field or combination of fields to search for and enroll the customer.  If you use loyalty cards, put your cursor in the loyalty ID field and swipe the card you wish to issue the customer.  Otherwise, enter the customer's name, email or  phone #. 

As you type, the system will search both your local POS database and enrolled customers in the SalesBuilder database for a match.  

If an enrolled match is found, select that customer to use it for the transaction so the customer will earn points.  

If a customer is found who is not yet enrolled, select that record and touch "Enroll Existing".  You may need to fill in additional required fields, such as email or phone #. 

If no match is found, you can "Enroll New Customer".  This will add the customer to your local POS database and enroll in loyalty rewards. You will be required to enter an email or phone #, and may also be required to enter a name based on your system's configuration  (Configuration > Customer - required fields to save a customer). 

Enroll From Customer Lookup
When ordering for delivery or pickup, you probably start your order with the Customer Lookup screen.    If you are using Caller ID, any loyalty customers will be identified when calling:

If you do a customer lookup, the results will highlight any existing loyalty customers in green.

If you select or save a customer who is not enrolled, and you have 'Auto Enroll' configured, you'll see this enrollment screen:

Enter the customer's email, and if you are using loyalty cards and wish to issue a card, enter or swipe the card #.   Click Enroll Existing.

You may see the "Mobile Enroll" button (if configured).  If you prefer to use the mobile # to enroll for text message rewards, click 'Mobile Enroll'

Follow the prompt to confirm if the phone # on file for that customer is a mobile #:

Click YES to enroll with this #,  NO to return to the previous screen to correct the information.
Once you have confirmed the number the customer will receive a confirmation text on their phone.  The customer must reply YES to the text (opt-in) to complete enrollment. 

Note:  If you enter a new customer, you'll be prompted upon save to enroll in loyalty. 

Giving Customers Points for Orders

Once a loyalty customer is selected, they will automatically be given points for the order.  This occurs when the order is closed.  So, for dine-in orders that close at the tender screen, it will be immediately.  For delivery orders, it will be sent when the driver closes their shift.  For table orders, it will be sent when the server closes their shift.

Points are issued based on your SalesBuilder configuration on the order total, not including tax or tip (but does include delivery fee).

To confirm that the transaction was sent to SalesBuilder, you can log in to your SalesBuilder account.   Navigate to "Transactions" and choose "Transaction History".  Here you will see recent transactions.

Redeeming SalesBuilder Offers

When a customer has an offer available, you'll see a yellow gift icon next to their name in the Virtual Ticket.  Click on it to see their available offers:

The offers screen will appear.  This screen may pop up automatically at customer selection if you have configured it to do so  (Customer Loyalty > Prompt with available offers)

Select one or more offers and select Apply Coupons.  If you don't wish to apply an offer, touch the CLOSE button.

The offers will apply according to their configuration rules - so you may need to order the proper items before the offer will apply. 

Note: If the offer says 'Error PLU # found", it means that SalesBuilder has sent out an offer that doesn't match any offer in your POS system. Be sure that the SalesBuilder offer ID matches the PLU # in Thr!ve. 

Finish your order as normal.  The system will update SalesBuilder when the order is closed, and the offer will be marked "redeemed" so it is no longer available to use.

To confirm that the offer was redeemed, you can log into SalesBuilder and navigate to Transactions > Transaction History.

If you notice numbers in the "Promo" category that indicates an offer was applied with that order.  

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