Configure System To Use SalesBuilder (External Loyalty)
To configure your system, navigate to Manager > Config > Customers > Customer Loyalty.

Customer Loyalty:

- Earn/Redeem Loyalty Points: Check this to activate the loyalty program.
- Use Loyalty Swipe Card: Check this box if you wish to use loyalty swipe cards to enroll and look up customers. If not, you can enroll customers just with their phone # or email.
- Leading Character/End Character: If you do use loyalty cards, indicate what special characters, if any, bracket your loyalty card # in the mag strip encoding of your cards. If you haven't ordered your cards yet, a standard choice is a % and a ?. If you already have cards, you can swipe a card in any text field to see what is encoded on it. All cards used in the program must be encoded the same way.
- Auto Enroll: Check this if you want to always prompt on customer look up to enroll the customer.
- Allow Mobile Phone: Check this if you have text message marketing activated in SalesBuilder and want to allow customers to enroll via mobile phone, without an e-mail.

This section applies to the internal point program. In most cases, when using SalesBuilder, you should leave this section blank or zero.
Tip: You CAN use these rules to issue bonus points for certain types of orders (all online orders for instance) or for certain items ordered. These point totals will be sent to SalesBuilder as PointBalance1, and can trigger rewards or messages. Set this up using the Point Rules, but keep the "redemption" value at 0 if you plan to have SalesBuilder issue the rewards.
External Program
Under the External Program section, make sure the use External Loyalty Program box is checked.

Select "GRS Sales Builder from the dropdown.

Enter your Company ID and Location ID

The URL for GRS Salesbuilder will default and
should be
Use the "Test Conn" button to test your connection and account information.
"Prompt for available offers" is an
option, if checked the system will alert you for all
available rewards on the customers' account. When not checked, you can access rewards from the customer record, but it will not pop up at look up.
Be sure to save your changes.
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