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Receiving Purchases

When you receive inventory in your restaurants, you must record it in Thr!ve to update your on hand quantities.

Navigate to Manager Home > Inventory > Receive

Select the vendor from the drop down list.

If you have open purchase orders from this vendor, you may select to receive off one of the purchase orders. If you press cancel, you'll have a blank receive option.

Enter the vendor’s invoice number at the top of the Receive screen.

  • If you wish to modify the receive date, you can edit it. However you can not set a date prior to your last physical inventory, as this would cause the physical inventory adjustments to be incorrect.

  • If you are receiving off a purchase order, you can double check the quantity received and edit the cost, if needed. You can also select additional ingredients to receive.

  • At the bottom of the screen, “Other Costs” allows you to record delivery fees or other expenses associated with this invoice. Also you can record taxes.

  • Don’t forget to “SAVE” the invoice.

  • You should notice the on hand quantity is updated in your ingredient list.

  • If you need to edit a prior received invoice, select it from the “Review Prior” list.

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