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Ingredient Usage by Topping Count

One of the unique challenges of developing an inventory tracking system that works for pizza items is that in many cases, ingredient usage depends on the total topping count of the pizza. For example, a Pepperoni and Sausage pizza (2 top) may have 60 slices of Pepperoni, but a 5 topping pizza may only have 45 slices of pepperoni. With Thr!ve, you have the ability to specify the detailed usage by topping count of each ingredient.

This article assumes you've already mastered the basics of adding ingredients to items, and you've navigated to the Item Ingredient set up screen.

To vary the usage of an ingredient by topping count, place your cursor is in the cell of a Size/Style ingredient usage, and click the Set Topping Count button.

Specify the usage for 1 to 10 toppings

You’ll now see the usage amount for that size is highlighted in green to indicate that the topping count is in use.

You can also control the base topping count for your specialty items. For example, if your Meatza pizza uses pepperoni, sausage, onions and green peppers at the 5 topping level of those inclusions, set the “Topping Count for Ingredient Usage” (top of the inventory screen) of the Meatza to 5 toppings.

Now, you don’t have to modify the Inclusion Usage amount for each topping. If a customer adds a topping to the Combo, it will now be considered a 6 topping pizza and ALL ingredients will be used at the 6 topping level. If a customer removes a topping from the Combo, it will not reduce the total topping count—the other toppings will still be used at the 5 topping level. If a customer substitutes a topping, it will not affect the total topping count—the other toppings will be used at the 5 topping level. Some items may be set at 0 topping count if they do not affect the usage of the rest of the ingredients. For example, if “Extra Cheese” does not count as a topping as far as reducing the use of other toppings, then set it as 0 topping count in this area.

Note:  This topping count is separate from the topping count field that is set on the pricing screen, which affects pricing and coupon usage.  This field only affects inventory usage.

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