Customize your Store Summary

A window will popup where you can add and remove sections.

When you are finished clicked "Save".
Configuring Sales by Department
This section allows you to customize how you wish to group items for reporting.
- Click "Allocate entire order offers to items for net" if you wish to distribute the value of offers to the items on the order. For example, if you have a coupon for $1.00 off your order, and you have 2 items on the order, this will distribute that offer proportionally to those items' cost when calculating the net total for each department. If you leave this unchecked, you'll see a line for "Entire Order Offers" below the sales by department section.

In addition to your pre-configured departments, you can add a group to combine items in any way you choose.

In this example, I've entered "Fried Food" as the group name, and I will select as subset of appetizer items as well as dessert items. You can combine items from multiple departments, or limit the set of items in one department, even select just 1 item if you want to keep a close eye on how it is doing. Use this to analyze how your vegetarian items are selling, or compare how IPAs fare vs. lagers.
Click "Save" when you're done, then make sure to check your new group as active for the report. As you select your custom group, you'll see a button to "Edit" it if you need to make changes. Click Edit to see a Delete option.
Remember, once you've created custom groups, some items may be reported multiple times on this report, and some items not at all. That's why this report does not have a grand total that adds up to match your total sales. Also, if you add new items to your menu, they may not automatically get included in your custom group, even if it contains an entire category.
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