Create Purchase Order
A Purchase Order is a list of items you wish to purchase from a particular vendor. Thr!ve can automatically populate a purchase order based on the warning levels of your ingredients. The Purchase Order function is not required to manage your inventory effectively, but it can be a helpful tool in quickly generating orders for each of your vendors.
To create a purchase order, select the Inventory icon from your Manager’s Home page and Select “Create PO”.

Select the Vendor from the drop down list.
If any open (not yet received) purchase orders exist for that vendor, you will have the option to select one to edit. Press cancel to create a new one.
If you create a new one, you can choose to create from warning level, par level, all ingredients for that vendor, or copy a previous PO. If you say no to all those options, you’ll start with a blank PO.
Add ingredients you wish to purchase by selecting them from the drop down list. If the vendor # is blank, this is not the preferred vendor for this ingredient and you will need to enter a new number. You can also change the quantity and the purchase price.
If you save a purchase order in error, you can select it to edit when you first select the vendor. Then press 'Void' button to delete it.
When complete, be sure to SAVE the PO. Then you have the option to E-mail it to the vendor or Print it.