To configure your restroom navigate to the table screen.

Select the tab you wish to add the restroom to > Click the Design button.

Click in the area of the room where the restroom is located.
- Click on the Restroom tab
- Enter the dimensions for the sign (.5 x .5 is good)
- Enter in how many minutes you want to pass before the screen notifies that the restroom needs to be serviced
- When you are satisfied click Apply.

Place the restroom icon anywhere in the room you like and exit design mode. The restroom icon will immediately show that it needs to be serviced and will show that it has never been serviced before.
Click on the icon to indicate to the system that you have serviced the restroom and restart the countdown.

Once you click Service Restroom; the system will refresh the clock and show how many minutes are left until it needs to be serviced again. If you click on the icon it will display who was the last to login and click the service button.

Tip: You can also add a Manager Alert to your home screen (or get emailed) when service is overdue. Click Here to learn more about configuring manager alerts.