In House Orders - Drive Thru
To set your preferences for the drive thru navigate to Manager > Config > Order Types > Drive Thru.

Select Yes or No from the drop down for the following options.

- Prompt for customer name: Controls whether the customer name (first and last) is required when an order is placed for this order type.
- Prompt for tent number: Controls whether a tent number is required when an order is placed for this order type.
- Prompt for table number: Controls whether a table number is required when an order is placed for this order type.
- Prompt for customer lookup: Controls whether complete customer look up is required when an order is placed for this order type.
Tip: Use this feature if you want all orders to be associated with customers in your database for marketing purposes. - Allow save of open tickets: Controls whether the "pay later" option is available on the tender screen for this order type. If set to "no" the user must tender the ticket immediately.
- Show in server details: Controls whether open bar orders are included in the server details / server close shift process. - This is a Firefly feature right now and coming soon to Thr!ve.
Save your changes.
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