Gift Card Configuration
List of supported gift card processors
To configure your gift card, navigate to Manager Home > Config > Tax/Tender/Cash > Gift Cert.

Make sure the "Activate Gift Cards" box is checked.

Select the credit card provider from the Processor drop down list. By default we have listed our preferred providers that offer a direct, secure, tokenized, integration. In this example we will be using Mercury Pay
Note: PPI is the same as OpenEdge. Verifone EFTPOS ANZ NZ refers to a New Zealand processor.

Tip: If you are using a different gift card processor, you will need to process through our gateway, Cayan. This processor will pass transactions to your processor. See the list of supported processors. You will need to set up an account with Cayan. There is a monthly fee for gateway processing - so consider one of our preferred processors for best rates!
NOTE: PC Charge is gateway software that is no longer supported. If you are processing with PC Charge, move to the Cayan gateway or a preferred processor immediately to avoid potential loss of transactions. Most processors have discontinued support for PC Charge transactions due to security concerns.
- Gift Processing Company: Is a PC Charge feature that allows you to select what company you're integrated with if PC Charge is selected from the processor dropdown. Not all of these are currently supported as PC Charge is no longer an option.
- Merchant ID: Mercury (and other processors) provide you with this ID which will be entered here.
- Keyed Transaction Merchant ID: Mercury (and other processors) provide you with this key which will be entered here.
- Merchant Services Phone #: Enter the voice authorization number for your processor.
- URL: Enter in the Mercury URL which can be found on your setup sheet.
- Port #: If you have not been given a different port number, enter 0 here. PC Charge is 31419
- Password: Enter your Mercury password here. Also found on your setup sheet.(Cayan and PPI will not require a password in this setup.)

After you have entered the processor's information, you can move on to the other options on the screen. These options are universal for any process you end up using
- # Of Gift Receipts To Print: Can print 1 or 2. Example: One for you and one for the customer.
- Include Tip Line: Set to "Yes" to include a line for customers to add a tip.
- Mask Card # On Merchant Copy: If you do not want the gift card number to be printed on the merchant receipt, set this option to "yes". This is best practices for security.

Be sure to save your changes.