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Customer Details Overview

To view a customer's details in the management screen navigate to Manager Home > Customer

Search for the customer you wish to view > Click on the customer profile > And click on Cust Details.

The customer's profile will appear.

Notes: Allows you to view, edit, add, and delete notes for this customer.
Alternate Phone:
Allows you to record additional phone numbers for that customer.   Now, when a customer calls from home, work, or a cell phone, the same record will be recalled.
Alternate Users:  Allows you to add family members to the same record.
Mailing Address:
Here you can enter an alternate mailing address. If the customer has a PO box, for instance, enter this address here. This will be used for customer labels and mailing exports, but not for deliveries.

Customer Type:
Allows you to group customers as Residential, Business, or Lodging, recording different types of information as appropriate.

Customer Information:
You can update the customer's primary address and phone number here.

Alternate Delivery Address:
Displays the alternate delivery addresses for this customer, allows you to select one to edit.
New Address:
Allows you to create an alternate delivery address.

Carrier Route:
If known, this will help sort bulk mail.  This may be included in imported customer data.
Birthday: Can enter the customer's birthday, this could be useful if you want to send a customer a special deal on their birthday.
Driver's License: Enter the customer's driver's license
Email Address: Enter the customer's email address.
Email Confirm: If checked, will send email confirmations when a customer places an order.

Additional information about the customer such as "Customer allergic to onions".
Additional information about the customer; can be confidential if set not to display on the customer info screen. This field can be edited via the Manage Customers function

Authorized for Checks: Allows this customer to write checks.
Electronic Check Recovery: No current function.

Indicates that the customer should not be taxed.
Non-Tax ID:
Indicates the ID # or reason for the customer non-tax status.

Customer Group:
The group which this customer belongs to.  All orders will be added to the group total for tracking / fundraising purposes.   Configure these groups in Configuration / Customers.

Mailing List:
Indicates that the customer can be mailed to; if this box is not checked, it is possible to exclude this customer from marketing searches
Wrong Address:
Indicates that the address listed is incorrect.  Check this box if mail is returned; this customer can then be excluded from future mailings.


Select a Customer Account that this customer can charge to, or add a new account.  Learn More

Points: Displays how many points a customer has if they are a loyalty customer.
Adjust: Allows you to adjust the customer's points.

Loyalty Card: Allows you to enter the customer's loyalty number.

Order History: Will display all of the customer's orders. There is also a financial break down of the customer's order history.    Click on Details to get individual order listings.

Authorized Order Types:
The authorized order types allow you to control which order types can be selected for that customer.

User Defined Fields: Allows you to track whatever information you like.  Configure these fields in Configuration / Customers.

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