Edit Driver Mileage On Payroll Details Report
You can check your security by navigating to Manager > Config > Security > Edit Calculated Mileage.

Edit Via Payroll Details Report:
To edit a driver's mileage via the Payroll Details report, navigate to Manager > Reports > Labor > Payroll Details.

Select the start and end dates you want to edit > Click Generate.

Scroll down to the time record that you want to edit > Click on the TR link to pull up the time record and edit it.

Click on the Total Mileage link to edit the mileage.
Note: If the mileage calculation method is set to "Ask Driver" you will not be able to edit the mileage until the driver shift is closed.

Enter in the new mileage in the box and click Update.

The new mileage will reflect on the time record.
Note: If driver fees are based on mileage, and the shift is still open, the fees will update. If the driver shift has been closed and fees have been paid, the fees will not be updated.

You can click Cancel on the time record to exit out of the screen.

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