Modifying Deferred Orders

Tip: In Manager > Config > Order Types > Delivery > there is a setting to "include deferred order for sales/cash report on day of order". If this setting is active, the credit card will be charged and the order will report as a sale at the time the order is placed, not when it becomes live. .. in which case you can no longer modify the deferred order.

Adding And Removing Items:
Adding An Item:
When a deferred order has been pre-paid with a credit card; the card is not yet charged but kept in the ticket until the order is considered live, however you can still modify the order. Let's say a customer wants to add an item to the order after it's been paid with a credit card. Add the item.

The new item will be added to the order. You will see that the total amount of the order has updated however the amount authorized on the credit card did not change. Click on the Finish button and the tender screen will appear.

Click on the previously tendered amount. You will be asked if you want to use the previous tendered amount, or if you want to void the previous tendered amount. Since the credit card has not yet been run it is not a true void.

The amount to be charged on the credit card will update. The card will remain in a deferred state until the order becomes live.

Voiding An Item:
If you need to remove an item from a deferred order you can do so by recalling the order and voiding the item you no longer want.

Once the item is voided, the amount of the total will update. To update the credit card total click Finish.

The tender screen will appear indicating that a refund is due.

Click on the previously tendered amount. You will be advised that the amount will be voided against the credit card used.

Once you click YES, the tender screen will update and show how much will be reduced from the pending payment.

Click Submit and the order will update to reflect the correct amount. The card will remain in a deferred state but for the lower amount, and will be authorized when the order goes live.

Adding Coupons:
If you need to add a coupon recall the order > add the coupon to the order > You'll see the price reduce however the credit card authorization will still show the previous amount.

Click the Finish button. The tender screen will appear indicating that a refund is due.

Click on the previously tendered amount. You will be advised that the amount will be voided against the credit card used.

Once you click YES, the tender screen will update and show how much the pending credit card payment will be reduced.

Click Submit and the order will update to reflect the correct amount. The card will remain deferred, and will be charged for the lower amount when the order goes live.

Changing The Tender Type:
If the customer originally wanted to pay with one tender type; but then calls to change that you can do this by recalling the order from the orders screen. Once the virtual ticket is loaded; click on the Finish button.

On the tender screen; click on the previously used tender.

You will be asked if you want to void the payment previously used. Click Yes.

The amount owed will update and you can now enter in the new payment.
Changing Dates And Times:
You also have the ability to edit dates and times of a deferred order. To do this recall the order.

Click on the Options button > Click on the Deferred button. OR click on the deferred information at the top of the ticket.

The deferred options will appear with the original deferred times and dates.

Update the time and/or dates that the customer desires and click Apply.

The times and/or dates will update on the virtual ticket.

Click Finish. You will be taken to the tender screen, however since nothing has changed with the tender you can simply click Submit and the order will save.

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