Store Setup Overview

General Store Information:

- Store Name: This field displays the store's name.
- Store Number: If you have more than one store you can put the number here for internal records.
- Logo: Upload your company's logo here by clicking Browse and uploading from your computer. The logo will appear on the POS screen and printed reports. Click "Suppress from reports" if you do not want it on the reports.
- Address: Enter you store's physical address here.
- Remit To: You can enter a 2nd address if customer account payments are sent to a different location than the physical address.
- Phone: Enter the store's phone number.

Here you can set what number the tickets start at, whether they reset after reaching a certain increment, or if they reset daily.

- Enable Biometric Reader: This enables finger print readers; to be used for clocking in and out instead of using a keycode. Turn this on if any station uses fingerprint readers, you will also configure this in per-station set up.
- Enable Internet Functions: This allows the system to use the internet for functions such as customer address verification, delivery mapping, emails and alerts, and weather checking. Turn this off if your internet is temporarily down.
- Master Store: Check this box if this store is the master store for call center or central menu management purposes.
- Update Thr!ve Online Automatically: If you are subscribed to Thr!ve Online then you can check this box and have items, coupons, prices, etc. update automatically when they are saved in the POS.

- DOW The day of the week. Select each day to set the start and end times for that day.
- Start of Week: Select the DOW that you wish the week day to start on and click the check box.
- Start/End: For each day selected set the times you store opens and closes. If a certain day is open past midnight click the "Next Day" box.

Daypart hours allows you to categorize your days into parts. These settings control features such as reporting and promise times.
- Group: You can add a group for each part of the day by clicking "Edit" and adding a new group such as lunch or dinner. Select each group to set the start and end times for that group.
- Start/End: For each group selected set the times you wish for this group to be active during store hours. If a certain day/group is open past midnight click the "Next Day" box.
Valid Order Types:

This is where you will dictate which order types your store handles. For each order type you want to include; select the order type and click the active box.
Station License:

This is where the system will indicate how many active licenses you have with Granbury for this POS. To obtain more licenses call Granbury support 866-678-6781.
Be sure to always save your changes.
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