DR!VE Overview
Dr!ve is an Android / iOS app for your delivery drivers. It works for FireFly and Thr!ve version 7_02_06-6 and higher. Features include:
- At dispatch, orders sent to the driver app
- Driver can view a map or driving directions
- Driver can "Arrive" when they get within .25 mi. of the house
- Drivers will see order message, coupons (if physical coupon is required) and tender type
- Drivers will see a countdown till promised delivery time
- If order is paid by credit, customer can sign on screen, and add a tip. Signature is saved on file in the POS
- Arrival time is recorded and displays on the "in process" screen in the POS
- POS map of in process deliveries shows driver location (updated every 30 sec.)
- Download the Dr!ve app by Granbury Solutions from Google Play or the Apple store.
- OR use the direct URL: orderonline.granburyrs.com/ThriveDriver/

When you login your assigned orders will be listed on the home page.

Clicking on the green arrow will link to the phone's navigation.
Click on an order and you will be able to see how many miles the customer is located from your driver, what the promise time is, what method of payment the customer used, messages, and coupons used.

The "Arrived" button will become available to the driver once they are within .25 miles of the customer's house. If this order is being paid with a credit card, upon clicking the "Arrived" button; the driver can accept the customer's signature right on the screen as well as add a tip.

Once the "Confirm" button has been clicked, the order will update in the order list and a arrival time will be recorded.

Tip: Cash orders require no signature so the driver simply needs to click the "Arrived" button to update the order.
To navigate back to the home screen click the bars on the left side of the screen and click "Order List.

View Your Drivers:
You can navigate to the dispatch screen in your POS and view a map that shows where all of your dispatched drivers are at any given time. This is done by clicking In Process > Map All

Clicking on settings will take you to the settings screen where you can update how often the orders list will update.

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